Chapter 27: Dangerous

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Marinette took a deep breath as she got everything for their Friday movie night. Popping a breath mint in her mouth and adding a spritz of perfume to her collarbone, neck, and wrists.

She scrolled through her laptop for a few interesting movies... She felt like she had seen all of them.

There was a knock at her trap door, "Yeah?" She exclaimed, "Adrien's here! I'm sending him up!" She could hear her mother say, she grinned. "Okay!" The door opened, as a familiar blonde head appeared.

She giggled slightly, "What's up?" She asked and Adrien's face immediately went flaccid, "Today's movie night, don't you remember?" She laughed, "Of course silly! I'm messing with you. What movie should we watch?" She asked.

Adrien looked relieved, as he shut the trap door and joined her on her chase. "Hmm... I'm not sure. We've seen most of these movies..." Adrien said as Marinette scrolled through her laptop.

Marinette sighed, "Maybe we should watch an old movie. One that came out a while ago..?" Adrien nodded, as they kept scrolling, he froze. "This one looks interesting..." Marinette said clicking on the movie.

Adrien gulped, a silence filling the room as Marinette gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" He took a deep breath, "Umm... that's my mom..." he said. Marinette's eyes widened as she looked at the cover of the movie.

"I'm so sorry Adrien- I didn't know I would've—" he chuckled, "It's okay, blue... don't worry about it." He said with a soft smile. "I... I didn't know your mother was an actress..." Marinette said, "She's beautiful though..." He nodded, "She was... She- she really was..."

Marinette lips parted as she could spot his eyes water, he quickly blinked the tears away. "Adrien...." Marinette said, he looked away when she cupped his cheek and pulled his face closer. His tender green eyes were glossed with tears, and he looked so vulnerable.

She pulled him in, her hand softly raking through his hair as she hugged him. His head placed on the crook of her shoulder as a tear slid down his cheek. She didn't say anything. She was just... There for him, and it made him love her even more.

"Adrien... If you need someone to talk to, I will be here to listen... It's going to be okay..." She soothed him, as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, Marinette fell back against the chase, but she didn't mind. She just knew he needed someone to comfort him.

"Thanks, Marinette..." He said breathlessly, sniffling. But she didn't pull away, and neither did he. "Don't mention it." She said, a small smile forming across her pink lips, kissing his forehead. They stayed like that for a while. She didn't want to let him go.

The feeling of her fingers threading through his soft locks was reassuring, comforting in such a way. He didn't want to let her go. Ever. His green eyes peered up into her blue eyes, his breath hitched in his throat as he admired her profound beauty. She didn't move until he did.

But when he did... His lips were already on hers. Gently kissing her at first, his eyebrows narrowed when he kissed her passionately. He easily lifted her thighs off the chase, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands threaded through his hair.

Adrien's hands slid beneath her thighs, he made sure to keep his hands away from any... Inappropriate... Areas. Its not like he didn't want to touch them, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. It was when she intentionally placed his hands on her butt, that he allowed himself to lose a bit of control.

Her tongue snaked into his mouth, sliding across his and sending shivers down his spine. He lifted her up with ease, his hands gripping her ass and placed her back against the wall. The kiss became intense.

There was a slight uncomfortable pitch beginning to grow in his pants, he groaned, his lips parted from hers with a pop. She began feathering kisses down his neck, "Marinette..." He said breathlessly, her lips capturing the skin on his neck as her tongue swirled around the now sensitive bruise.

"Mmm..." He took a deep breath, he needed to control himself. Control his thoughts, and imagination. Marinette's eyes widened when she felt a bump in the crotch of his pants against her sensual area. "Adrien... You're hard..." She said, he looked n the other way.

He wanted to apologize over and over, but that'd make him even more embarrassed.

He felt a sense of relief as she began laughing, "Don't be embarrassed Adrien..." she said kissing his forehead. "We can watch whatever movie you'd like." She said smiling. He was speechless, all he knew in that moment... was that she was the girl he was going to marry.

He wanted her, and only her.


Kagami clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white as she shoved the chair in her room over. How could Adrien date that little bitch? That little daddy's girl. That... That despicable excuse for a human being.

She began to cry, hell she was mad. She was past mad. Past angry, past frustrated... She would do anything she wanted right now. Adrien was hers! And he chose her?! The girl who hadn't shown an interest in him for 3 years?!

The girl who had everything perfect?!

While she had been interested in him since the moment they met?! He chases after a girl who hadn't shown an interest in him for three fucking years. She started to scream, grabbing the desk and using every strength inside of her to push it over.

She smirked a bit, realizing she was more then this. She was smart, and she was strategic. Unlike that bitch Adrien says he's in love with. She knew exactly what she was going to do... But this time... It was dangerous.

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