Chapter 12: This Time

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Kagami sat on the arm chair in her bedroom, her arms and legs crossed as her mother walked out of the room. It had been a while since she had spoke to Adrien and now that she had she seemed to have completely ruined her chances with him.

She remembered when he told her that he wanted to just stay friends, but she had no idea why. They seemed nothing but perfect together. So why did he have to fall in love with another girl? Why couldn't he love her? It just wasn't fair to her.

It had been a week since they broke up, well... Not really 'broke up' but since he told her he no longer considered her a friend. She knew she had to come clean sooner or later, it had been a week since she last spoke to him and he wouldn't answer any of her calls or texts.

Marinette didn't deserve Adrien. They would make such a stupid couple.

Kagami sighed and picked up her phone, once Marinette and Adrien lost interest in each other he'd probably come running back to her anyway. After a several rings, someone finally picked up. "Hello?"

The voice of Marinette only made her blood boil, what was so special about her anyway? "Marinette?" She said, clenching her fists and trying to as normal as possible. "It's Kagami." She said, sounding more annoyed by the second.

"I'm sorry about last week... I acted out of irritation. I just wanted to clarify everything I said was a..." Kagami refused to believe she was a liar, she hated liars, and she hated hypocrites. So she told herself over and over again what she did was for a good cause.

"It was a lie..." She said, and Marinette said nothing. "What made you come clean?" Marinette asked, and Kagami swallowed back the anger that urged to be let out. She couldn't tell her Adrien told her to say this. Because then she'd think he actually cared for her.

Which he did, he cared a whole lot. He probably cared for Marinette more then he cared for himself. But Kagami didn't want to admit that to herself, so she didn't.

"I... Felt guilty." She lied, once again.

"I just wanted to let you know, that no matter what happens, Adrien will be mine. That's not a lie." Kagami said harshly as she ended the call. She clenched the phone in her hand, throwing it at the wall in anger as it cracked and fell to the floor.


Marinette felt so many emotions all at once. apart of her knew Kagami was lying. Now that she'd admit it what was going to be her excuse? Adrien and her could be good friends, she just hated the thought of being the girlfriend that would never be enough.

She needed to apologize to him.

He had left her alone like she he asked, and he hadn't done anything wrong. They hadn't talked since. She took a deep breath, maybe all she needed was some advice she thought as she grabbed her car keys.


Alya listened carefully as Marinette told her about everything. "I hate to tell you this girl, but I told you so." Marinette sighed and placed her chin on her fist, her eyebrows narrowing as she felt guilty. She knew what everyone was saying was true.

All the criticism about her, it was true.

She was nothing compare to Adrien Agreste. "So what should I do Alya? Do you think I should apologize?" She asked and Alya nodded. "First you can apologize, then you can be friends again, then you can kiss, and then you can date!"

Marinette shook her head and Alya groaned. "What is it this time?!" She exclaimed and Marinette looked out of Alya's bedroom window. "He's just... Too good for me..." Marinette said softly, and Alya's livid expression turned into a concerned one.

"Marinette that's not true. You saying that it is proves that you care for him, and that you clearly are good for him. And I won't give up on you guys until you're relationship is cannon!" Alya exclaimed.

Marinette offered her friend a small smile, she was glad Alya was a good friend. But she just didn't understand. How could she? Marinette didn't expect her to, all she knew what that she owed Adrien an apology.

"There's a party Nino's throwing tomorrow night. His parents are gone this weekend, and it's the DJ in him. Adrien will definitely be there, you can apologize then." Alya said and Marinette thought about it. The last time they are alone at the party it ended up with them almost kissing.

As much as she hated to admit it, it was a good idea. But she didn't really want to be at another party. She didn't know what she wanted. What she wanted she couldn't have, what she couldn't have was what she wanted. She didn't know anymore.

But she hoped this time, the party that would be thrown could mend them together again, not break them apart.

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