Chapter 33: Home

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Marinette sat on her bed, as Alya confided in the food in her fridge. She didn't really know what she wanted to do for her birthday. All she could think of was him... she wanted to cry. But... she couldn't. She hadn't cried since the day he left.

She didn't even know how that was possible.

Marinette frowned as she got dressed, since it was her birthday... she had tomorrow as a day off. Maybe... she should go out. Marinette frowned in determination, she couldn't spend her whole life moping about a boy. She stood up and walked over to the living room where Alya was busy stuffing her face.

The brunette had passed out on the couch the night before, a few chip bags lay scattered across the carpet. Marinette sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You... still... wanna go clubbing?" She asked, Alya gasped. "YES." The next few moments after that were silent.

Until Alya jumped and tackled marinette on the couch while nearly crying. "I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT MARINETTE."


This reminded her of the night before graduation. When Alya was getting her ready for her first time with Adrien... it was the exact same thing this time too. Nothing had changed. They got ready, took a shower, shaved, waxed, used nair and she was almost ready to go out that night.

She put on a cute crop top shirt with a pencil skirt and tights. Alya did her makeup.

(Write here)

Marinette could feel the beat of the music vibrating throughout her body as she felt Felix's hands run down her body and grip her ass. "You're so hot, baby..." he whispered into her ear, placing kisses down her neck. Marinette felt her breath hitch as her heart hammered in her chest.

She was so nervous... she didn't know what to do. Did she even want this? His lips harshly crashed against hers as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Why... why... why...

Why was she imagining Adrien doing these things to her right now?

Why was she thinking about him in the midst of kissing another man?

She gasped as he firmly pressed himself against her, grinding his hips with hers and tears dwelled in her eyes as she clamped her mouth shut. "Fuck baby..." he whispered, his hands digging into her skin when she tried to slip away. "Let's get outta here..." he whispered.

Marinette frowned as his hands slid down her ass and under her skirt. She whimpered, "S-stop..." she said. She wasn't ready... she wasn't ready...

"Felix, stop it." She said more firmly. She gasped as he began to rub her throughout her underwear, she didn't want this... "Stop!" She said pushing him away, tears in her eyes as he backed away. "What the hell Marinette?" He shouted, she shook her head. "I asked you to stop... now stay the hell away from me."

She shoved her way through the crowd, she just wanted to go home.

She ran out of there, she knew it was a reckless decision. She knew it was dangerous to be alone out here by herself but she didn't give a fuck. She didn't care that her feet were hurting because she was running in heels, and she didn't care that she left Alya. She was a grown ass woman probably hooking up with someone already.

She was almost at the bridge, which meant she only had a few blocks left till she was home.


Adrien sighed, "Stop the car..." he told the driver, "I'm fine right here." He said closing the door shut. He just wanted to walk around. He knew each and every street like the back of his hand. He missed this place... Every streetlight, every sign, every building...

He put his hands in his pockets as he began walking to the bridge. So maybe he wanted to go there to reminisce a few memories of sharing ice cream on the bridge with Marinette... wherever she was. That was if she was even still living in Paris...

It took a good ten minutes to get there, the familiar surrounding made him sigh. Way too many memories...

Pretending Nino and Alya both canceled on him and Marinette so they could hang out together...
Sharing an ice cream with her and telling her that... whoever shared Andre's ice cream together will be in love forever.
Well that was some bullshit.

Granted, he still loved her. But her..? He had no idea. Were they together? No.

He ran a hand through his hair, fuck he missed her... he wanted to see her again within an hour of coming back home...

He looked down at the wooden floor of the bridge... what was he going to do now? He sighed once more and turned around, he should probably just go back to his temporary apartment... maybe he could call Nino up or something. Yeah maybe they could plan a hang out, catch up?


His eyes widened, that voice was way too familiar... his eyes shot to where he heard the voice. He froze.



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