Chapter 40: Delicous

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Three days.


Marinette didn't know why she hadn't responded to his texts or missed calls... maybe she was just protecting herself. But she knew he was leaving again, she didn't know what she was thinking or anticipating getting into some friends with benefits situation with him.

"Mrs. Dupain-cheng, you have a visitor." her coworker came in and said. "Take my advice, fix your hair."

What? Why would she need to fix her hair? It was probably just the designing techs coming in again. "Okay, let them in." She said, her eyes shifting back to her computer screen. There was several designs she needed to finish. Everything that happened with Adrien was quite the distraction, she hadn't gotten any extra work done at home.

"Morning Ms. Dupain-Cheng, ya know... I was starting to get worried I wouldn't see you again." Marinette nearly jumped out of her seat, "A-Adrien- what are you doing here!?" The blonde abruptly shut her office door, locking it. His green eyes locking with hers as he walked behind her desk, turned her chair towards him and placed his hands on each side.

His face mere inches away from hers. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Her face was red, embarrassment and fluster making her cheeks flush. "I-" the room went silent. "I don't know, Adrien..." she said softly. "And I know I owe you an explanation... I just haven't even figured it out myself yet..."

He sighed, "Marinette you know you can be honest with me, I would never judge you." He said, "It's okay if you're confused... but please don't ignore me like that. I was worried about you..." he said, his eyebrows narrowed as he was genuinely confused. Adrien felt his heart ache as her eyes watered.

She felt bad... he wondered what made her ignore him. Was it about what she said the other day? "Marinette... about what you said-" before he could finish his sentence Marinette crashed her lips into his, Adrien immediately reciprocated.

His eyebrows narrowed as she kissed him more passionately, he missed her lips, he missed her touch, her smell, everything about her. His hands gripped onto her thighs as he lifted her and placed her onto her desk. Her hands raking through his hair as he eagerly kissed her.

They parted as he placed her forehead against here, his green eyes locking with hers, she was so beautiful... "Marinette... blue..." he said softly, her heart ached as she couldn't remember the last time he had called her that. Blue... It brought back so many memories.

She felt so many emotions all at once, it was too overwhelming. It was almost unfair, from the thought of his first time holding her hand, to her kissing his cheek, their first time before graduation and then... marinette's eyes watered... why did Kagami have to ruin everything they had?

A tear rolled down her cheek, he didn't even ask why. He knew she was going through things, and he didn't want to make it worse. He didn't want to push her with questions so he simply held her. It reminded him back in highschool when he would hold her, he thought he would never let her go.

He never wanted to, even now. But things were different now, she probably hated him for what he did and that was okay with him. He hated himself for wondering what they could be if she had forgiven him, if she still actually loved him...

The soft cries of her sobbing broke him to pieces, he couldn't do anything about it besides be there for her and he hated it. But maybe it was his fault she was going through so much, maybe he was hurting her even more. He felt to selfish for wanting to stay, what was wrong with him?

He came back into her life and made it more miserable... he should've stayed away. Yet he loved being with her... he loved her.

"Marinette..." he said softly, "Are you crying because of me?" He asked, almost scared of her answer. She looked up at him, should she be honest with him? Or would that make things even more awkward between them? "I... no... I just feel really overwhelmed right now... I mean with designing and the bakery and everything..."

His eyes widened, he had completely forgotten. "Bakery? What's wrong with the bakery??"

Marinette, "My parents said business is kind of slow lately, and I don't know how to help..." she was being honest, she told him how she felt overwhelmed, but she didn't tell him everything. There wasn't anything wrong with that. Adrien had an idea, "Marinette, you don't need to worry about that anymore okay?"

"I'm gonna fix this I promise..." he kissed her lips before he left to the door, "Oh... and, did you want come over after your finished with work?" He asked, somewhat hopefully. Marinette sniffled a little, her nose still red from crying. "Um... okay, I think I will."

His heart ached in that moment, he really hoped the did. All he did was smile with a slight nod, and then he left.


Damn it. He felt nervous, he felt like he would make an embarrassment of himself. But he knew this was something he had to do, he had to make things right. He could already see the bakery down the road, mostly everything had been repaired since the fire. He felt a knot form in his stomach.

The familiar sound of the bell ringing as he walked through the door, catching Sabine and Tom's attention. They both stood there, like they were in disbelief. Adrien walked closer to them, determination written on his face.

"Mr. Dupain, Mrs. Cheng, I want to apologize" before he could finish his sentence Sabine immediately pulled him into a hug. "Adrien, thank God you're okay! We were worried sick about you." Tom placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Does Marinette know you're back, son?"

They were so kind... so welcoming. He felt relieved and guilty at the same time. Hadn't they known he had left? He had left without even saying goodbye? Why were they being so nice to him? He felt his heart ache with guilt, "yeah... yeah she knows I'm here." He said softly, his arms wrapped around Sabine.

"I came here to make things right with you guys." Adrien said as if it was a confession. It was weird... looking down at Tom, he hadn't realized how much taller he had gotten himself... everything was different now. "I left, and I didn't even consider if I hurt you guys. I'm really sorry, I thought I was protecting Marinette and I only hurt her more."

"I should've been there for all of you, it was my fault it all happened and I wasn't even there to pick up the mess." Adrien admitted, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "I'm so sorry." He said once more, Sabine looked up at Tom who looked up at Adrien.

"We don't blame you for anything that happened, Adrien." Sabine said softly, "We know you wanted to protect Marinette, but she's happier when she's with you. I know you're a good person, and I trust you with my daughter." Tom said with a soft smile. "It's not your fault any of this happened."

Adrien felt like he was going to cry, how could they stand to be so close to him? How could they forgive him so easily? In a way he was relieved, hearing that they thought it wasn't his fault made him happy but made him feel worse... he didn't deserve them. Any of them. "What's brings you back to Paris?" Sabine asked.

"Well... my fathers really sick, we don't think he's going to make it..." Adrien said, "He wanted me here for his last few months." Sabine and Tom nodded, "Just let us know if you need anything Adrien, we're here for you." How could they be so kind to him?

Adrien nodded, "Marinette told me business was slow, I wanted to help you guys with that." He said, "That's very nice of you. But with no customers, you can't really help us." Tom said. Adrien smiled, taking a cupcake from one of the stand on the counter and taking out his phone.

He held up his phone and posed, taking a picture. Tom looked at Sabine who exchanged faces of confusion.

Adrien posted the picture on Instagram with the location of the bakery. The caption was: delicious.

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