Chapter 29:

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Warning: chapter contains sexual content.

"Alya- what if tonight is.... The night." Marinette said, Alya wiggled her eyebrows. "Then consider yourself one lucky gal~ Almost every girl would dream of having sex with the Adrien Agreste. But he only has eyes for you girl." She said simply.

Marinette panicked, "But what do I do??? How do I prepare??" Marinette said, "What if I'm just being overdramatic and he hasn't even considered it-" Alya rolled her eyes, "Oh please. Unless he's a-sexual, which is highly doubtful... He's thought about it."

She smirked, "Now I'm positive you two are... You know." Alya winked, and Marinette cringed. "Lets go, we're going to the store." Alya said, grabbing her wallet and pulling a confused Marinette out of her house. What the hell was that supposed to mean?


"Shaving cream, shavers, body scrub- vanilla scented of course- wax strips, organic deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, and my personal favorite..." Alya pulled out a pink and white bottle from the shopping bag, and placed it on her bathroom counter. "Nair."

Marinette gulped.

That hour... Was... Painful, to say the least.

She could've sworn every single hair- besides the hair on her head and eyebrows of course- had been plucked from her body. Not actually plucked with tweezers. But with shavers, wax, and Nair. She was directed to take a shower immediately after.

The water was calming, and soothing to her skin. Forgiving she could say. She washed her hair, and used the exfoliating body scrub. After she came out, she brushed her teeth and popped a breath mint. Then, Alya gave her the set of lingerie they picked while shopping.

She used the deodorant, her perfume, and her favorite bath and body works scented lotion. She felt... Different. Confident.

"We can leave your face natural and beautiful, or we can cake your already beautiful face with makeup. Marinette looked at Alya. "I think... I'm ready. I want to do this completely bare." She said, and Alya chuckled. "You go girl."

Alya left the house not long after, she let marinette keep all the things she bought. Considering it a graduation gift, at least... That's what she said before she left.  Adrien had just got back 10 minutes later and stopped by.

He picked her up, swung her around and kissed her lips. "Hello my beautiful, blue." He said, her heart fluttering. She caught a whiff of his cologne, and minty breath, smirking a little. Had he prepared too? Did he... She took a deep breath, as he set her down.

"You don't have to go anywhere do you?" She asked.

He shook his head, "Nope, I want to spend the rest of the night with my princess." He said, she nodded. This whole thing sounded so cliche... Her parents so happened to be on their anniversary at a hotel, a few days before graduation. In all honesty, she had no problem with it.

"Let's go up to my room." She said, taking his hand in hers and heading upstairs. They had been here too many times to count... So why was it awkward this time? She cleared her throat. "what were you thinking... We could do?" She asked finally.

Adrien looked to the side, a small smile forming on his lips. "Well..." He let out a deep breath, "Whatever you want, blue." He said. He didn't want to pop the question, what if she didn't want that? What if she wanted to wait longer...

He had no problem with waiting, the last thing he wanted to do was pressure her into something for his own sake.

"Adrien..." Marinette said, her blue bell eyes peering into his. He looked down at her, her profound beauty made him loose his breath. "Y-yeah...?" A small blush crawled across her cheeks. "C-can I ask you something?"

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