51. Aarav

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Epilogue no.2

Is it possible for a storm to pick you up from absolute filth and catapult you straight into a crash but when you land, you land in a scenic meadow, a place of happiness and beauty? All within a span of seconds?

If this is possible at all then it can be the only apt way to describe what happened.

The day the police called Madhav for Sakshi, a whirlwind arrived. One that forever changed the course of our lives. I never knew there would be such an impossible force of love, an urge to protect someone so strong that logic takes a backseat.
I never thought that I would end up living with the boy I saw at the conference all that time ago... but here I am.

I look at the evening outside, New York shines below, infinitely alive and ever moving. This is Our home, Our haven. The city where we left the past behind. There are so many lives here, artists and vagabonds, men of money and teachers, everyone here with the singular purpose- To find their destiny. I have found mine, I call him Madhav...

I smile as I read Sakshi's email, her coaching institute has completed a year. It is doing considerable business. I call for my assistant. She arrives a minute later.
"Yes, Mr. Sen."
"Naaz I need you to have a bouquet and a token of congratulations sent to Sakshi by Thursday evening. Also have some money transferred to hers."
"Sure sir, the amount?"
"The usual... wait add 10% over it... her institution just crossed a milestone."
"Oh that is in fact great news! I'll see to it immediately. Anything else?"
"Yeah... can you tell the Monroes that the late conference is canceled? I need to take Madhav out, it is Saturday."
She smiles and nods.
I am so grateful for Naaz. She is efficient and pragmatic. She has been a great addition to the simplicity of my life. Every task that I have entrusted her, she has completed with utmost efficiency.

The day I found Madhav with that portrait. The day he sobbed in my arms, I realised that there was no other way. I could have taken him to the farthest, most uncharted land in existence but he would have never slept peacefully. As long as Abhinav existed, his hold over Madhav existed too. So pervasive and toxic that even a mere sketch of him could reduce my Madhav to sobs. For him to truly be free, be mine, be alive... Abhinav Verma had to die.

He deserved it.
When you have a brother, you love him, you cherish him. You don't rape him when he is yet to lose all his milk teeth and you don't pimp him out to other rapists.
He deserved every last bit of his splattered, bloodied, mangled end.

But as I sat there, Madhav sobbing in my lap, I wondered how I would kill him. Any method I could have thought of would have blown my cover, would have plunged Madhav into the guilt that he was why I had killed. The variables grew and towered over me, the solution was becoming increasingly elusive and the equation was in it's victory lap,

Kill him. Madhav. Trust. Money. Kill. Him. Sakshi. Naaz. Money. Coward. Kill. Trust. Madhav. Madhav. Madhav.

And then the solution hit me, like a lightning bolt it sliced through my consciousness. It was all so terribly obvious.

"Yes Grandpa."
"You need to be more careful with how you use words. Words are the closest mankind has ever come to magic. They can cause or prevent wars, make or shatter men. You need to learn how to use them. They will aid you more than you can imagine."
"Ok... grandpa... if you say so..."
"Now promise me that you will never take your english classes lightly..."
"Ok. Grandpa."

I had Naaz's number retrieved.
"I have heard about your ambition. You want to work abroad..."
"Yes sir... but why am I here? I work..."
"You work as an assistant for Abhinav Verma, son of Yashwant Verma. I know. I have a proposal for you."
"Ok sir..." her nervousness shifted into curiosity.
"I want you to help me murder your boss."
"What the hell! Is this a jo-"
"No. It is not a joke."
"Sir, I should get going... I..."
"Here have a look. You work for a rapist."
She read the file as sweatbeads appeared on her forehead.
"I have decided that your boss must face the consequences."
"I don't know... I..."
"1 crore and a job as my assistant in New York plus a house there and complete immunity from any consequences."
"I need it on paper." She said firmly.
I smiled, Madhav was right, she can really do anything for money.
"What do I need to do?"
"You need to plant some evidences throughout his surroundings."
"I don't..."
"Tomorrow, you will get the instructions."
"I need some, you know..."
I raised my hand and signalled Nikhail, he arrived with a checkbook and a file. "This ok?" I added zeroes to the amount, her eyes widened, "more?" and I stopped.
"Just this much for now. The rest after you..."
"Ok." She smiled.

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