12. Sakshi

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This is the end.
My penultimate failure.

I heard a thud in the night and rushed to his room.
Locked. Had it broken by the security that is always on duty throughout the estate.

I sit now, in the ambulance, rushing him to the hospital.
He is almost gone.
His blood is on me.
I feel too much like the criminal my heart says I'm.

I killed him.
I guilted him by saying that he was not there when I needed him.
I left him on his own for three years.
He was raped back then. He remembers every bit.
I never once talked to him about His pain.
If I had stayed then maybe His wolves wouldn't have grown so strong.

Now he is going.
He is going.
Leaving me alone to fight.

The tears have stopped.
There simply aren't any left.

How will you run from this Sakshi?

When your mother would struggle with being left alone to live a life, you would pretend and hide.
When the faces of your neighbors, lifelong supporters, friends reminded you that you were just a pretender in the high life, you stopped visiting them.
When your father was found, slain like roadkill, you didn't go.
When your engagement ended, you ran into hookups.
When you were raped, you ran from justice and into your apartment.

Now the boy who came the closest you've ever had to a brother, is dying in your arms....
Where will you go this time?

Your hideaways were numbered so long ago. There are none now.
You can't run.

I can't run.
I am stuck in this moment.
I'm destined to watch him fade away forever.

The race has gone on for too long.
It ends now.

I've to stop.
Even if I'm not ready to.
Even if I do, the wolves that have chased me all along will tear into my skin.
I cannot run anymore.
I've to stop.

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