10. Aarav

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Right now, I can't see anything ahead of me. The room is that dark. I like it. It comforts the eyes: seeing real dark. The city never really gets dark because of all that leftover light from the day.
So, occasionally, I come here, to my farmhouse and I rest, then I go back to my life in the city. Resting comes naturally to me. It amazes me how many people actually find resting harder than their work. Their minds are so wrapped up in their complexities. They're not simple.

I'm a simple man. Everything about me is. I don't wear it like a badge or hide it in embarrassment. It is simply what it is.

I was born to Suraj and Avni Sen. They're both business tycoons who have a company in it's own league. They married out of need for companionship in the long run, found intelligent and compatible mates in each other and their system has worked fine, since I am 27 and am yet to see them argue beyond minor stuff. They are companions.

They love me. Always have. I grew up cared for and substantially privileged. I have above average looks and enough brain to pull me through, so I never got bullied or left out. I never had any issues with the way I was thus never felt the need to rebel against my parents. They were supportive of my decisions.

It doesn't mean that I don't get sad. I do. I have. When I lost my last grandparent, my father's father, it was a big blow but then, death is the simplest fact. I didn't forget that pain, I just learned to manage it better. My pet dog, Charlie passed away of old age when I was 19. That was, honestly, harder to cope with.
But I made it.

My life is simple to the point of boring, I know, but I never felt dissatisfied with the rhythm of it. I have learnt to cherish the remarkable simplicity of it.

And there is not a single day that goes by without the realization that this simplicity is a result of privilege. The blessed life I was born into. So I show my gratitude by living it happily.

I think, many people complicate their lives unnecessarily. They wait to confess their love, hatred, problems or get caught up in their own assumptions or ego and end up tangled.

I've realised that if you just ask for it, you might get it and if you don't, then to move on would be wiser. When I miss someone, I tell them, regardless of whether they've ever initiated a conversation, when I see a girl I'm interested in I just tell her and she finds me better due to that, if she says no I smile and leave, it doesn't bruise my ego, I don't pick at parts of me in the mirror simply because there's no point, I'll always look like I am supposed to and there'll always be someone that finds it attractive. I work for my father and do not worry about climbing ladders. I take some days off to charge myself. I've fallen in love, broken up because it wasn't good enough to continue and recovered.

I don't know why we have to be "painfully beautiful complex broken creatures" when we can just be us.

My mother says that the road I've chosen is a lonely one yet I'll be better off on it but I disagree.

I don't think I chose this road, I think it's the only one. Everyone else is uselessly climbing through the bushes on the side.

I believe complexity of one's self is a choice.
Or let's say I believed it was,
Till I met Madhav.

It's not that he is an egomaniac or a procrastinator or a liar. I think.... somewhere in his life something gave him so much to process that he has just been lagging ever since.

I met him at a conference in New York two years ago . His father, Yashwant Verma heads the firm that manages my father's portfolio among  many others. The conference was about diversifying the risk, standard potboiler shit that I would've avoided but I had nothing else to do. I follow my dad and help in his work when needed but I don't do it with the fervor that Yashwant's young assistant displayed. The facts and pros and cons and the stakes of the game came off his tongue so smoothly. He added to Yashwant's arguments so eloquently that the trade veterans present there eyed him with greed. He had everyone gunning to get him on their side.

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