Imposters - Bakugo x Reader | BNHA

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You can tell I play this game A LOT with my friends. 😂


You sat at the desk in yours and Katsuki's shared room while your explosive boyfriend was on the couch in the living room. The two of you waited on your respective laptops for the rest of your friends to join your Among Us game.

Ever since the game became popular, the Bakusquad regularly played and, eventually, your old friends from UA started playing as well. Every time your gang made a server, there would always be 10 players.

In today's game, the server consisted of you, the rest of the Bakusquad, Jiro, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Hagakure.

Everyone greeted each other in the call as usual, Bakugo really only telling Deku to shut up, and he started the game. You watched your screen as everyone muted themselves. Not even a second later, your screen flowed red as the game assigned you and your boyfriend as the imposters.

Gasping, you grabbed your laptop and sprinted from the bedroom to sit next to Bakugo on the living room couch.

"Oh god I'm stuck with your dumb ass." He complained, really only joking. You giggled as a response and followed the group to Admin and pretended to swipe your card.

Katsuki went straight to Electrical, Midoriya and Mina following close behind. Your character ran from Admin to the Cafeteria and faked doing the trash task when the imposter beside you spoke up.

"Do you wanna call Reactor so I can kill the nerd?" He asked, sighing as he stared at his rival's dark green player. You hummed and clicked the sabotage. Once Mina ran out, Katsuki pressed the kill button and quickly vented away as Deku's body fell.

Meanwhile, you stood in Weapons, seeing Kirishima clearing asteroids. Without hesitation, you killed your man's best friend and immediately self-reported.

"Oh shit. Two?!" Kaminari exclaimed after unmuting.

"Uh, where's the body?" Jiro asked.

You unmuted and responded, "So, Kiri's body was in Weapons. I didn't see anyone else near."

By the end of the set discussion time, you had successfully avoided suspicion and everyone decided to skip.

The round continued as you and Katsuki managed to kill Mina, Sero, and Hagakure before someone reported a body.

"Oh god we're screwed," Kaminari once again spoke first, "Anyways, uh, big daddy Sero was in the hallway between Reactor and Security."

"We have to vote someone out this round." Uraraka replied.

"Kami did you see anyone in the area?" You asked the reporter.

"Uhh I think I saw Kacchan in Upper Engine? That was you, right?"

Your boyfriend replied with an annoyed "Yeah".

"And you didn't see anything, babe?" You questioned him as if you didn't know it was his kill.

"Nope. I was accepting the power thing and left for Cafeteria."

Uraraka reminded the rest of the living players to vote due to time running out. Leaning over, you whispered for Katsuki to vote for Kaminari.

The blonde did and, when the votes were revealed, Bakugo had one vote while Kaminari had two. You also had one vote by Jiro and Uraraka had skipped.

"No!" Denki's high-pitched scream was heard in the call as his player was flown out of the ship. The screen faded out to black before a blue victory screen was displayed on yours and Bakugo's devices.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Kaminari screeched.

"As soon as Mina left me alone with Kacchan-"

"Bro! Y/N I don't know HOW no one suspected you for that self report!"

"Of course it was the couple!"

The chat exploded at your win. Meanwhile, Bakugo chuckled and turned to face you, bringing you in for a short kiss.

"Nice one baby." You said, high-fiving the blonde after pulling away to hit the "play again" button, your boyfriend still gloating.

"Hey, you losers had it comin'."



Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now