Aftercare - Byakuya Togami x Reader | Danganronpa

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Takes place after some kinky times.
There's a mention of some NSFW things, SHIELD YOUR EYES KIDS.

Byakuya freed your arms from their place on the bedpost, the green tie that held them being thrown somewhere on the floor.

The rich blonde leaned down and kissed your lips gently before staring into your eyes, looking for any sort of sign that you were uncomfortable. You smiled up at him.

"You did so well." He praised, his warm hand cupping your cheek. You nuzzled into his gentle touch.

Byakuya laid beside you and held you to his chest. Your arms weakly wrapped themselves around his waist as the Togami heir placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and slowly rubbed circles on your back.

One of your hands moved from his waist to play with his soft hair. You smiled again, causing the blue eyed male to smile back. It was a genuine smile and his signature smirk.

"I love you." Byakuya whispered after seeing you start to fall asleep. It wasn't long before he settled his face into the crook of your neck and fell asleep with you in his arms on the slightly destroyed bed.

Writers block is starting to kick my ass again

Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now