Televised - Touya Todoroki x Reader | BNHA*

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In honor of Dabi's Dance <3



Growing up being close friends with the Todorokis wasn't as glamorous as one might think. They were like royalty, always in the spotlight. Fans would go crazy just catching a glimpse of them.

However, you knew Enji wasn't as good of a guy as people thought. You had witnessed him treating his wife and children horribly. Of course, Enji made sure the public was none the wiser about it. He wanted to be the number one hero, with a future number one in the making. When he achieved his goal after All Might's retirement, he pushed your family far away from his.

Of course, knowing the Todorokis wasn't so bad. You got Touya out of it.

The two of you were the same age and were the entire purpose of your family attempting to befriend his esteemed family. You were inseparable. He'd look his happiest when he spent time at your place, away from his father, and would refuse to leave your side when you visited him. Too many times had the two of you been pretend-married by Fuyumi as kids.

One day, your family sat you down and told you that Touya had died in an accident. That one statement made it feel like your whole world had stopped. You were alone.

You were never told the cause of death, but hd a feeling Endeavor was involved, indirectly or not. That day was the start of your grudge towards him, putting on a facade when your parents pressured you to continue spending time with the younger Todoroki children.

Years later, you lived alone and took up a part-time job, finally free after spending so long hiding your emotions just for your parents to get a taste of fame from the Todorokis. You never forgot about Touya, even after it felt like everyone else had.

A strange feeling awoke in you one day, as you were walking home from your job. Your boss had given you the nightshift and left you to close up alone. As you began walking away from the building, you felt a pair of eyes on you, yet it didn't set off a fight-or-flight feeling.

Turning, you noticed a figure in all black standing in the dark. They were tall and covered every inch of themselves in their clothes. You couldn't even make out any facial features. After assumingely meeting their gaze, the figure slowly turned then walked away, disappearing into the alley.

After getting home that night, you realized that you felt oddly warm after the encounter. It felt like, despite having not seen their appearance, there was something familiar about the figure. Maybe you had known them?

The figure never returned. You chalked it up to just a random person thinking they recognized you.

Months later, the building you worked at was closed due to what the news called a "hero and villain war". You were told that your place would be safe from the conflict, so you decided to rarely leave until heroes announced the end of the fighting.

Turning on the news, you had hoped to see if there were any updates. At that moment, the man on screen mentioned that they were experiencing technical issues, only to be taken off air and replaced with a different man.

The public knew him as Dabi.

He announced himself, apologized for interrupting, then began his speech. The second you heard him speak his true name, your heart sank.

Touya Todoroki. Eldest son of Endeavor.

Instinctively, your hand reached to cover your mouth in shock.

Touya was alive.

After all this time.

Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now