Birthday - Izuku Midoriya x Reader | BNHA

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Happ borth my sweet child Deku

As soon as you woke up, you rushed to get ready and bolt to Midoriya's house. Today was July 15, Deku's birthday.

You had heard from Uraraka and Iida that he had stayed out last night training, so should be sleeping in. Perfect for plan. His mother had told you that she was going to be out for a few hours so you and her son could have some time alone. Not like that, ya weirdos. You had come up with the idea that you could maybe make breakfast for Izuku to wake up to. Later, the two of you could watch a movie and spend much needed quality time.

You see, you didn't go to U.A. since you are quirkless, like Deku was before he met All Might. You both had been childhood friends and right before Izuku got accepted into U.A., he confessed. The only people you know aside from him that are heroes-in-training is Uraraka and Iida, due to you being added in a group chat with them and your green-haired boyfriend. He said his reasoning was to 'make you feel included with 1-A' since he knew it sucks to be not have a quirk yet be surrounded by heroes.

Back in the present, you got into the small apartment with your spare key Deku's mom got for you and started making pancakes with sprinkles. At least it seemed festive for a birthday. As you set the food on two plates, you heard someone walk up behind you. Their strong and scarred hands wrapped around your waist as their head rested on your shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Izuku asked, being the person behind you. You giggled. He sounded half asleep.

You turned around and wrapped your arms around Deku's neck.

"Happy birthday, Izuku. Your mom's gonna be out for awhile, so I made us breakfast and maybe we can watch a movie, catch up with each other."

The teen's slightly-chapped lips were placed on your softer ones in a gentle kiss. His hands moved from your waist to your hands in them. Pulling back, Midoriya have you an adorable smile and moved closer so your foreheads were touching before whispering,

"Sounds perfect."


Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now