Eijiro Kirishima x Reader | BNHA*

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Omg Vi's FINALLY writing something NOT Tokyo Revengers for once 🙄 It's a fuckin miracle.

Pro Hero AU, obviously.


You sat in the rocking chair in the nursery, your six month old son resting safely in your arms. You gently held onto one of his tiny hands as he quickly fell asleep.

Smiling, you placed a soft kiss to his head and continued rocking, occasionally using your thumb to rub small circles on his hand.

You didn't even comprehend that you were beginning to fall asleep too.


Kirishima got off of patrol and raced home, eager to spend time with his beautiful spouse and son.

He called out to you as he quietly shut the front door. After not hearing a response, he headed towards the nursery.

He peeked through the cracked door to see you sleeping soundly in the rocking chair, your son still in your arms and softly snoring.

Eijiro smiled and carefully opened the door enough for him to slink in and place gentle kisses to your and your son's cheeks.

The hero placed his hand over yours, still grasping the baby's smaller one.

Kirishima's heart swelled as he muttered, "I love both of you so much."

Quietly sighing, he let go of you and turned off the light in the room, letting you sleep in peace.

Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ