Matchmaker Nanami - Tomoe x Reader | KamiHaji

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We're gonna ignore me bullshitting god-rules solely for this plot to work.

Anyways uhh I've been feeling burnt out with writing (and literally ALL of my other hobbies—) so if y'all have prompt or anything that's you'd like me to try, let me know :)

Inspired by whatever episode it was where Nanami confesses and Tomoe yeets her ass off a building.

Early into being the Land God, Nanami realized she couldn't do the work alone, so she had found a way to make someone a sort of "co-God". Her immediate thought of whom she should share her duties with was you.

Since then, the two of you had begun living at the Mikage shrine and shared Tomoe as a familiar.

As time rolled on, Nanami had been getting better at playing matchmaker. Really taking after Mikage, isn't she?

So, since she was so proud of her skill, Nanami decided to try to hook some of her friends up with dates. Occasionally, she would get these visions of who to get together and, unsurprisingly, it was like those couples were soulmates.

The night she had a vision of you and Tomoe together, she was practically bouncing with excitement. Nanami told you everything about what she saw, even coming up with a date plan for her co-god and familiar.

One week later, it was time for her to work her magic.

After school, Nanami said you and Tomoe should check out an exhibit at a nearby aquarium. Her excuse for not going was that she had "already went with Kei and Ami".

The aquarium was...subpar. Tomoe seemed like he was bored out of his mind and you began feeling awkward when you went to speak to him.

The night out was coming to a close, ending with you and the fox yokai on the roof of a tall building, looking out into the city.

You sighed, deciding to speak first, "Well, today was boring."

Tomoe leaned on the railing in front of the two of you, "It was. Then again, it was Nanami's idea. That girl reads too many romance novels. They're starting to rot her brain."

You smiled and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Hey, at least she tried to give us something fun to do," After a brief moment of silence, you drummed your fingers on the railing before continuing, "Y'know, the other day Nanami said she had a vision of who I should date."

Tomoe looked over towards you, "Oh did she?"

You nodded, "Yep. Honestly, I do kind of like him, but I'm pretty sure I'm just one of Nanami's failures. There's absolutely no way he's going to like me."

"Why do you say that?" Your familiar responded, brows furrowing in curiosity.

"Because, I'm human. And I know for a fact, if I told him, he'd just say 'I'd never date a human' then just abandon me."

"He's not a human?" Tomoe's eyes widened slightly, "Who...who did Nanami envision you with?"

You sighed before speaking a small voice, "You."

The fox's ears perked up.

"Look I know your stance on humans and yokai dating. I'm sorry." You let go of the railing and began to make your way to the roof's door, "I'll see you at home."

Tomoe wanted to grab you. Do something before you were out of reach; instead, his body was frozen. He felt conflicted. He swore to never get involved with a human since Yukiji's death, but between Nanami's previous matchmaking successes and how you and him learned to get along pretty quickly, becoming pretty good friends in the short amount of time he's known you, his heart told him to at least give things a chance.

Maybe he could learn to love you, a human.

Back at the shrine, you sat in your room, the only light being from the TV.

Could you telling Tomoe about your budding feelings and Nanami's vision ruin the friendship you already had with him? Frankly, you just wanted to forget all about Tomoe.

Unfortunately, your door slid open, revealing the fox.

"Y/N, we need to talk about Nanami's vision. And your little crush." He spoke, sitting beside you.

"I'm listening." You replied, not daring to look at him.

"I admit, you are correct about me being hesitant to love a human. The last time I got too close to one, I ended up watching her pass away. I swore to never love someone as much as I loved her," he paused, taking not of the way you hid your face with your arms. Tomoe gently placed his hand on top of your closest arm, "I value the relationship we have and I'm not opposed to it becoming something more. I would love to at least give a proper relationship with you a chance."

His words caused you to slowly lift your head, finally meeting his eyes for the first time that night.


Tomoe smiled, "Yes. Really."

You returned his smile, "Well, I'd love to give this a chance too."

You moved your hand to gently lay on top of his; however, he held your hand in his and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss to the back of it.

"Thank you."

Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα