prince!Dabi x royalty!Reader | BNHA*

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Found a BUNCH of royal au writing prompts so here's a lil piece containing a few.

Prompts by sidestuiff on tumblr!
⚠️290 spoilers⚠️


"The king has arranged it. You will be married to the child of the opposing nation so that peace may come to both our kingdoms."

Young Touya hated royal life. He hated being the heir just as much as he hated his father, King Enji. He was only six years old when he'd first heard of his arranged marriage. He didn't even know the nation his betrothed was from.

This arrangement seemed to be the final straw for Touya. As soon as he had went back to his room that night, he started drawing up plans on how to leave.

He was twelve at the time he had first met his fiancé, mere hours before Touya planned to run away. Enji had thrown a ball to celebrate the engagement of his heir and another royal. Touya thought that he should at least see who he would, in a sense, be ditching at the alter.

Enji made Touya sit in one of the two smaller-than-usual thrones in the room, you sat at the other. After reading off your names and a speech the prince couldn't be bothered to listen to, the guests clapped and cheered at the sight of a promising, young couple.

Touya couldn't be more annoyed at the noise.

Once the crowd had begun dancing and drinking, the heir sat alone in a barren corner. He didn't notice you approach until you settled down next to him.

"Royal balls are such a bore, aren't they?" You sighed.

Touya smirked, "Thank god I'm not the only one that thinks that," he glanced at you before sighing, "Look, no offense, but I really don't wanna get married. It's nothing to do with you. That oaf just doesn't care about his kids, despite how he tries to portray himself to everyone."

You nodded, "I understand. I don't want to get married either. Well, until I'm older...and preferably not an arranged marriage either."

"Look, I'm getting out of here tonight at exactly midnight. Do you wanna come with?"

"Out of the palace?"

"Out of the kingdom. I'm gonna leave this entire "prince" thing behind. You in?"

Smiling, you nodded once again.

"I'd love to."

Now several years later, the people of Enji's kingdom had come to the conclusion that the two of you had died, but that was not the case — Touya had changed his name to "Dabi" and both of you altered your appearances to avoid detection.

The once-regal pair now lived in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere. You focused on farming and making sure you and your partner never went hungry while Dabi took on the liberty of going into town, picking up other products like cleaning supplies or clothes.

As for your betrothal, the two of you agreed to remain friends the night you escaped. However as years went on, you started acting more like a married couple, yet neither of you tried to do anything romantic with the other. The farthest you'd gone was the rare hug. The domesticity had grown on both of you and that started to effect your feelings for your partner. Still, no one confessed.

Dabi entered the cabin after another trip into town, carrying two bags with him.

"Welcome back." You greeted, kneading dough. The now-black-haired man placed the bags on the counter and leaned beside your little station.

"Whatcha making?"

You paused to meet his gaze and smiled, "Cinnamon bread. Thought I'd try something with those spices you bought last week."

Dabi smirked and moved his gaze from you to the window ahead of him. Sighing, he replied, "Y'know, I was thinking."

"About what?"

He placed his warm hand on your back.

"I think it's obvious there's some tension between us, so..." He paused to press a kiss to your cheek,

"What if we officially got married? If you count when we were kids, we've been engaged for what? 12 years?"

You studied his expression, showing no sign of deception. He actually wanted to marry you. You grinned.

"I'd love to marry you, Touya."


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