Help - Midoriya x Reader | BNHA

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Based on a dream I had.


You crossed your arms and huffed as you continued to search for your friends car. Your friend had promised to pick you up at the shopping center you were dropped off at, however it is now almost 10pm with no sign of your friend. Your phone had died not that long ago, but now you had no way of knowing I'm how far away your ride was.

Sighing for what felt like the 30th time, you paced along the center's walkway. Your eyes landed on a green-haired teen leaning on the wall, typing on his phone. You recognized Izuku from UA's Sports Festival that was held just a few months ago. Of course, you didn't go to UA. You just remember seeing him from the clips on the internet.

You speed-walked towards him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, uh, you're Izuku Midoriya, right?" You sheepishly asked.

He turned off his phone and smiled before replying, "Yeah. Hi! Did you see the sports festival?"

You nodded and smiled back at him. "Um, can you help me, actually? My phone died and I have no idea where my ride is. Can I use your phone for a second?"

He nodded and pulled up the device's number pad before handing it over to you.

After you called your friend, you handed Deku's phone back to him and thanked him.

"Shouldn't be too long..." You mumbled to yourself. You glanced around and turned back to Midoriya and nervously chuckled. "Again, thank you. It normally doesn't take them this long to drive here."

"Oh, no problem. Do you want me to stay with you until they get here?" He asked, playing with the strap of the bag on his shoulder.

"You don't have to..." You trailed off, getting mesmerized by his green eyes.

"I don't have anywhere else to be, so I don't mind." The hero-in-training replied.

The two of you chatted until a familiar car pulled up to where you stood on the walkway.

"There's my ride."  You gathered your things you had placed on the floor while waiting and turned to Izuku. "I-it was nice meeting you! And thanks again for helping me."

Before you could walk away, a thought crossed your mind.

"Hey, do you have, like, an Instagram, Snapchat, anything we could maybe keep in touch with?"

The dark area hid Izuku's cheeks turning pink. He stuttered out his username and told you to DM him once you can get on your phone again.

With that, you smiled again and left, leaving Deku trying to calm his racing heart.



Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now