Kanaya x Reader | Homestuck

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Kanaya's like the mom I want to have.

(the video above is an edit I made for HS's 10 year anniversary)

"Dear?" You heard a familiar voice call out. You turned from your position on the couch to look at your wife, Kanaya Maryam.

"Yes Kan?" You smiled just watching the jadeblood approach you.

Today was your anniversary of being a couple. Ten years spent together. The two of you have been through hell and back with everything that happened when the both of you were just 13. Now, your married and have a normal life. Well, as normal as you can get with troll that is also a rainbow drinker. Anyways, today is your anniversary. Both you and Kanaya agreed to stay in and not make a big deal out of it.

Kanaya smiled and pulled out what she held behind her back, presenting to you a green box with a small black bow on the lid.

"I know we agreed to not do anything special for today, but I just could not help myself. Happy anniversary, my love." She said, letting you carefully take the box and open the lid.

As you lifted the top, a small, fluffy puppy popped it's head up. It looked at you and tilted its head.

You giggled and look at your wife, who stood up straighter than she already was and returned your look of love and glee.

"You have been speaking about getting a pet for some time and us deciding not to do something special today gave the perfect opportunity to go through with it." She said, leaning down to kiss your cheek. The puppy barked it's tiny noise at the sight of seeing their parents kissing. Just like a child.

Kanaya chuckled before continuing, "What would you like to name them?"

This is shit and rushed but I wanted to get something Homestuck up for today. Happy 4/13.

Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now