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33| perfume


I was so nervous I didn't know what to do anymore. Fingers fiddling, teething chewing on my poor bottom lip, and eyes going everywhere when they're supposed to be closed.

It's nighttime at the moment. When I came back from Eunbi she told me to take some rest and sleep because we have to be fit tonight. But I couldn't sleep at all.

I told Yerin the plan, a way we can escape, and also that Eunbi told us to sleep.

Yerin fell asleep not much longer after it, not at all affected by this all, but I was wide awake. I never experienced anything like this, being locked away in a basement with hunters and a vampire.

I was nearly dying from stress and nerves. Mind thinking about all the "what if's" you can think of, all of them having a negative outcome.

Our plan is quite dangerous. Mine wasn't, but Eunbi told me it had to be like this otherwise it wouldn't affect the hunters. I'm scared. Scared for what we're using to get freedom, but also for if it goes wrong. I shouldn't be so negative but I just can't help it. V tries to comfort me, but it just doesn't work out in my head and it left me restless for surely 5 hours long.

I look up when I hear the sound of movements. "Hey, puppy. Are you awake?" Yerin's soft voice asks and I answer by sitting up and nod. I know it's very dark, but I also know Yerin is a vampire and they can see much better in the dark than we werewolves can.

"The plan's gonna start in a bit", Yerin says. "How you know that?" I ask softly, yawning cause I'm actually kinda tired. "I can sense it. Hear that Eunbi woman move around", Yerin says and I frown as I try to listen too and you indeed hear someone move around. It's just weird she knows so sure it's Eunbi but that must be a vampire thing I don't understand.

But she was right all along as guards start running upstairs, screams fill my ears and the smell of smoke awfully fat comes our way. "Eunbi can be here at second now", Yerin says, pulling on the cell doors a bit. I grab it bars and pull as hard as I can, making them bend away from each other a little bit.

"Okay okay, the puppy is strong", Yerin says and I blush as I move over to hers. "Why isn't Eunbi here yet and the fire almost?" I ask a bit in panic, thinking about one of my thought from before where the same happened and we died...

"She's in trouble herself, puppy. Come we're gonna help her", Yerin says and grabs my hand. The next thing I know, we're in front of a door. "Did you just teleport?" I ask with widen eyes. "No I ran", she giggles and I blush embarrassed.

Yerin bangs her fist on the door, just to get some back and a muffled "the door fell in its lock." "We need to help her!" I exclaim scared, pulling my shirt over my mouth because the smoke gets too thick and it becomes harder to breathe.

Yerin looks around but ends up getting a pin from her hair, crouching down and picking the lock. "I've seen this in movies, I hope the movies don't lie", Yerin says and starts getting more panicked.

"Eunbi, is there a window?!" I yell. "Yes but it's really high, I don't know if I can get there!" she yells back. "Try it please", Yerin yells back and we hear her run away.

"Need help?"

We look behind us and feel my heart stop beating. What does he do here?

Yerin nods her head quickly and before we know, Bogum kicked in the door. Eunbi runs out of it, out of breath. We immediately walk out of the burning building and quickly towards where the hunters aren't.

"Dude, thanks!" Yerin exclaims as she's still out of breath. "Yea I came to help Tae, but it's never wrong to help out another wolf. You're a vampire I noticed?" Bogum says, starting a casual conversation with Yerin as I'm standing there dying from fear.

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