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20| dinner


In just some hours Jeongguk's friends will arrive and we have that dinner with them all. I am nervous, I have to be honest. They're Jeongguk's friends so I have no idea how they'll be. Will they be nice?

But right now I'm in Jimin's room, just cuddling with him and watching a movie on his phone. Helping him through this hard period.

"I tried to call you multiple times before you left. I texted you but you didn't react to I thought something was wrong. Turned out you were already here", I hear Jimin say and I smile slightly. But then I realized what he said. "Wait you knew I was going here?" I ask and Jimin pauses the movie to look at me.

"I knew what was going on because my mother told me. I didn't know you'd be taken away. I actually texted you to ask you about it", he answers and I nod softly. "So your parents knew before mine did?" I ask softly with a frown and Jimin gulps. "Tae", he whispers and I realize that would be just weird.

I sit up on the bed. "They knew? They knew the Alpha wanted to give me away to the pack? But- why? Why did they ask me to come back when they knew this?" I ask confused, head spinning from thought and heart beating faster by the betrayed feeling blooming up inside me.

"I don't know, Tae... maybe they didn't know it yet? When did you leave? Mother heard it on the phone and immediately told me so maybe it was when you were already gone?" Jimin says and I tell him the date. He sighs and shakes his head. "I heard it a day before", he mumbles and that could be right. Taehyung didn't spend any attention on his phone that weekend, wanting a relaxed weekend surrounded by nature and doing nothing. That day the Alpha came in he wanted to go to the forest, going for a long walk.

"Why did they do that?" I ask softly and felt Jimin's arms around me from behind, back hugging me. "Why don't you call them? They must have a great explanation for this all", he says and I nod, knowing he's right.

"Can I use y-", I wanted to ask for Jimin's phone, but a knock on the door interrupts me. I sigh and walk towards the door, opening it to see Sojung and Yewon. I've met Yewon already, she's super nice and really adorable and now she is Jimin's 'maid'. We don't like to call them like that, they're our friends who help us...

"Hi, Tae. Hi Jimin! Tae we need to go. Alpha Lim already arrived", Sojung smiles and I nod, turning towards my best friend. "See you later, Chim, wish me luck", I say. "I hope you'll survive", Jimin giggles, and I laugh a bit before leaving with Sojung, also saying "bye" to Yewon of course.

"So how are things going between you and Yewon?" I ask interested, getting a smile in response. "Very good actually. The only thing is.. she is seventeen and will turn eighteen soon." "That's amazing, right? That means she won't be underaged anymore", I smile. "Yes, and it means she can get her mate. She wants one so badly and I'm not sure if I am her mate. We talked about this a lot and I'm just scared to lose her when this happens", Sojung says. "It'll be okay, Soso, I bet you're her mate", I smile and she blushes little, shyly smiling as she asks me if I mean it. I nod and she all of a sudden hugs me. "Thank you, Tae! You're the best", she squeals and I giggle as I hug her back. "Now let's go. I think you'll have fun tonight", Sojung says and I tilt my head curiously. "You do?" I ask and she nods. "Alpha Lim brings his Luna, Beta, Delta, and their boyfriends, they're super fun and really nice. You'll see a whole different Alpha in Alpha Jeon", Sojung smiles and stops walking in front of the door.

On the other side there are voices, laughter and then this sentence, "Ey, Jeon, when will you get your Luna? Don't let us wait." I felt my cheeks burn, nervous for their reaction when they'll see me for the first time.

Sojung opens the door and I'm met with 8 guys. One with a bit longer hair and a nose piercing- which suits him soo good- is sitting on a chair, a pretty guy sitting on his lap, laughing his lunges out by seeing- I think his friend- walking around crouched down and making pigeons sounds as he moves his head to the front and back. Another guy sitting next to Jeongguk and trying to do the same but failing hard. Then one guy walking around and talking loudly, a guy now also trying to be a pigeon who gets chased by something, and one last guy standing and watching them all with a disappointed look on his face and crossed arms.

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