[ Chapter 22 : Bubblegum ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I turn off the shower pushing my soak hair back as the water stream down my face and body, I stick my arm out the curtain and find my towel, wrapping it around my body, I twist and squeeze water out of my hair then step out of the shower.

I start to change then dry my hair, after I was done, I look into the mirror and see a slight bruise under my eye, the ringtone of my phone rings and I look down to see 25 missed call from Gene and seven missed calls from mom.

I pick up and clear the notification bar as the picture of me and Gene was the wallpaper. It was the picture where Gene is doing a peace sign and I'm just there beside him smiling. With a sigh, I put my phone in my bag and look up at the mirror then brush my hair straight.

I couldn't be bother to style it, I just did a simple messy bun and put on my contact lenses, looking into the mirror again, my vision is more clearer and I adjust my jacket.

I grab my bag then leave the bathroom and head down the small hallway to the gym, scanning the card on the knob, I push the glass door open after it made a beep sound and see other people exercising.

" This is your fifth time in here " I look up at the counter and see the guy with jet black hair and light blue eyes.

I smile as I approach.

" It's the closest place for a shower and the cheapest " I said.

" Your saying cheap cause I gave you a ten percent discount " he said as I pass him the key card.

" What ever you say, Lucas " I said and take the wrapped candy in the bowl.

" You do know what your doing is wrong, right? " He asked as I unwrap the plastic and plop the strawberry flavor rock candy in my mouth.

" So? " I look up at him.

" What really is going on Y/n? "

" What? " I asked.

" I told you that you can use the shower in my house, you crashing at my place doesn't mean you can't use the guest bathroom, my basement is now your room, you come home late, something's on your mind " he said.

" I appreciate the hospitality but, your my last resort here so help me out and don't ask anymore question if you don't want to be involve in this, plus, I don't want to fuck up your family like how I fucked up mine " I said.

" Your like a box of chocolate that are all poisoned " he said, I wink.

" I'll take that as a compliment " I slide the candy wrap in his chest pocket of his uniform.

" I'll be home late tonight " I said then walk away.

" Don't wake my kid when you do! " He shouts, I just raise a hand as an 'okay' then push the glass door open.

Leaving the building, I see my truck parked at the parking lot and I take out my key, before I could unlock it, I see a person on the passenger seat of my car, I just drop my hands to my side with a stern face.

She uses her hazel eyes and gesture to the driver seat and I roll my eyes away walking up to my truck, I climb in the driver seat then shut the door as I toss my bag at the back.

" What are you doing here? " I asked.

" Oni-chan wa tasuke ga hitsuyōda to itta " she blows the strand of her brunette hair out of her face. (Brother said you needed some help)

" What part of I want to do this alone do you guys not understand?, Why do I even tell you guys? " I asked, she takes out a piece of bubblegum and plop it in her mouth.

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