[ Special 4/5 : I Am To Blame ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" Hey, what are you doing up? "

I look over my shoulder to Gene who's turned this way as he lie on his bed.

" Sorry, my bad, just looking up some stuff, go back to sleep " I said then turn back to my laptop.

I slide my fingers on the pad, scrolling through this page.

" Could you at least turn the brightness down?, It's spoiling yours and my eyes " I hear him said.

I tap the screen of my laptop then bring down the brightness before continue on scrolling and typing.

" Come back to bed " he said.

" Later, I'm almost done, don't worry " I said and my eyes read the page properly.

" If you say it like that, I am going to worry " he said.

" A few more minutes " I said then hug my legs as I keep scrolling.

A few seconds later I hear him sigh and I keep reading, when all of a sudden a pair of hand touch my shoulders.

" Please stop, you have time in the morning, your laptop isn't going anywhere " he said.

" Hold on " I said.

" What is this? " I see him squinting his eyes tiredly.

" It's just a. . . " I sigh.

" Your resigning? " He turns to me with his eyes fully awake now.

I nodded.

" Wh-. . .why? " He pushes my chair to turn around to him.

" I just don't feel like it anymore " I said.

" But isn't that what you've been training your whole life for? " He asked.

" Think about Gene, killing people as a hobby don't you think that's a little sadistic?, It's. . .bad " I said.

He furrow his eyebrows and grab his gaming chair and sit down in front of me.

" Where is this all coming from? " He asked.

" I mean, we haven't exactly been active for the last few months bounty hunting because of Vylad to come and think of it, I like it not. . .hunting someone down " I said.

" This is because of Vylad? " He asked.

I sigh and get up from the chair as I walk off with my hands running through my hair.

" It's a bit more complicated than that " I said.

" If that's what you want then why didn't you tell me? " He asked.

I turn around to him.

" Because it's the only reason that brought us together, I mean, Garroth was a bounty hunter until he had a baby and quit, he even gave up his weapons for the sake of Cadenza, and even worse, I was the reason why Vylad is paralyzed in the beginning!, I forced him to join a tournament because I was too adamant to win and we're literally in our 30s now, Gene "

" I am to blame for Vylad's accident, it was my fault and he hasn't even forgive me for that day, I want to change the way we live like normal people, no killing, no enemies, not even a single thing like crazy exes or finding out your dad was a serial killer, and killing people as a job!, What kind of job is that?! " I exclaim.

He sit there as he look at me with a tired face but he's listening.

" We need a life, like seriously, if we want a child then we better stop, what would others think of us raising a child in that kind of environment?, We'll be putting our kid in danger " I said.

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