Grab The Wall

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Tyler let the cool water run down his tan body. Basketball wasn't the cleanest sport. Tyler sighed, no one else was in the shower. Tyler heard the shower door open, he dismissed it as someone just coming in for a shower. Tyler felt an arm wrap around his waist and a hand around his neck. "Hi, baby," a low voice whispered, pulling Tyler's body against their chest. Tyler tensed. "M-Master? I-It's-," Tyler was cut off. "Be quiet," Josh whispered. Tyler gulped, he nodded. Josh pushed him against the wall. Tyler tensed up again. "Keep your hands above your head," Josh said. Tyler shivered, he could tell Josh was angry. The older smiled when Tyler trembled, his hands above his head. 

Josh flipped Tyler over. Tyler looked at him, his eyes wide. "My worthless hole," Josh whispered, grabbing Tyler's jaw. Tyler whimpered. "Keep quiet," Josh spat. Tyler's legs trembled. Josh chuckled, he picked Tyler's thighs up. Tyler kept a gasp in, he breathed quickly through his nose. Josh frowned as Tyler tensed up. "Don't do that," Josh whispered into Tyler's ear. Tyler nodded, he let go of himself. Tyler moaned when Josh kissed his jaw. "What did I say?" Josh asked quietly. "I-I'm sorry master, I didn't mean to disobey you," Tyler rushed out, looking at Josh with wide eyes. Josh smiled, he loved teasing the boy. He loved the way Tyler got when he was worked up, the way he would shake at only his words. Tyler squeezed his eyes shut. He whimpered when Josh pushed a finger into his entrance. Josh  let it slip, he pushed in another finger. Tyler's toes curled. Josh smirked as Tyler let out steady whimpers with each pump. Tyler whimpered when Josh pulled his fingers out and slammed them back in. The brunette buried his face in Josh's shoulder. Josh groaned as Tyler bit down on his shoulder. "Is my toy going to cum?" Josh whispered. Tyler gave a weak whimper. Josh held him tighter. Tyler came, the warm liquid spilling on Josh's chest. Josh quieted Tyler down. 

The brunette trembled as Josh pressed him against the wall again. Josh locked their eyes together. Tyler looked at him, his wide eyes burning into Josh's. "You're perfect," Josh whispered, lost in Tyler's eyes. Tyler blushed, the praise working him up. Josh kissed Tyler's chest. Tyler was fully hard again. Josh set Tyler down. The brunette watched as Josh held out his palm to his member. Tyler silently grabbed Josh's shoulders. He whimpered as he bucked his hips into Josh's hand. "Look at my perfect toy," Josh groaned. Tyler moaned, his hips sped up. Josh kissed at his neck, wrapping his hand around Tyler's member. Tyler was moaning his beautiful moans. Josh loved it. Tyler came into Josh's hand for a second time. He looked up at Josh embarrassed, his cheeks flushed pink. 

"On your knees, love," Josh whispered. Tyler nodded, he fell to his knees. Josh smiled as Tyler immediately got to work. Tyler kitten licked Josh's tip. Josh bit his lip. Tyler took in Josh's member. He didn't move, he looked up at Josh innocently. Josh got the idea and started fucking Tyler's mouth. Tyler gagged, he didn't pull away. The brunette moaned around Josh's member. Josh groaned, his hands tangled in Tyler's hair keeping him still. Josh looked down at Tyler, pure lust in both of their eyes. Josh moaned lowly as Tyler's throat constricted around his member. The brunette gripped Josh's thighs, keeping him self still. Tyler whimpered as Josh pulled out of his mouth. Tyler grabbed Josh's member again, he jerked Josh off. Josh moaned, he came. Tyler licked his hand clean. Josh picked Tyler up. Tyler's eyes widened as Josh crashed their lips together. 

They pulled away from the heated kiss. Tyler clung onto Josh not wanting to let go. "So, how's your day going?" Josh asked. Tyler giggled. 


Josh ran a hand through Tyler's hair. "I'll see you after school today?" Josh asked, kissing his forehead. "Yeah but wait for me 'cause it's snowing," Tyler whispered. Josh grinned, remembering the time he left Tyler stranded in the snow. "Okay, I love you," Josh said. Tyler smiled, he wrapped his arms around Josh. "I love you too," he smiled. 

(I love life sometimes)

Joshler SmutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora