My Pretty Fighter (3/3)

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Tyler sobbed into his pillow. 

Josh's exact words were, " I don't know Tyler, I'm sorry" and "I don't want you to get attached, you shouldn't fall in love with me." Tyler's heart broke in that instant, it was stupid of him to think anyone cared about him. Tyler wished he could be in Josh's arms, have someone to comfort him. 

Tyler didn't sleep last night, he was up crying. Tyler looked at the time, seven am, time to go to school. He sighed and went to the bathroom. Tyler started crying again when he saw what a big mess he was. "Y-You're so st-stupid," he sobbed quietly, burying his face in his arms. Tyler calmed himself down before brushing his teeth and going back to his room. He looked at his closet. It was all happy, god he wasn't happy today. Tyler slipped on a skirt, he bit his lips and pulled it off. Josh wasn't going to call him pretty ever again. Tyler wiped at his tears as he slipped on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. 

Tyler trudged downstairs. His mom only looked at him, not even a good morning. It was fine, he didn't deserve it anyway. His dad looked at his mom noticing Tyler wasn't wearing his normal clothes, happy pastels. They just shrugged it off. Tyler grabbed a granola bar before running out the door. He pulled up his hood, not wanting anyone to see him in tears. 

"Good morning, T-" his homeroom teacher's eyes widened.  "Are you okay?" she asked. Tyler looked at her. "I'm fine," he said with a forced smile. His teacher stared at him as he walked to his chair. 


Tyler looked at the clock anxiously, he didn't want to go to Josh's class. He didn't want to see him again. Tyler trembled as he walked out of his last class, tears on the verge of spilling. Tyler took a deep breath, he couldn't skip his mother would murder him. Tyler looked as he entered the class. Josh looked at the boy, he bit his lip nervously watching the boy closely. Tyler brushed him off. He doesn't love you, stop crying. Tyler's brain filled with negative comments. Tyler wiped his eyes as he sat in his chair. "You look like shit," a boy muttered. Tyler sighed, he forgot he had enemies too, fuck. Tyler ignored the boy, it was easy when he had his brain full already. The bell rang. Tyler looked up, he made eye contact with Josh. The older was first to break it. "Alright, class," Josh started. 

Tyler trembled, he felt terrible. It was lunch, he wasn't going to Josh's class. Suddenly, someone shoved him against the lockers. Tyler wasn't in the mood. The boy yelled insults at him, he deserved it. Suddenly, he felt a hard punch at his jaw. "Are you listening to me?!" the boy yelled, it rang through Tyler's skull. "Yeah," Tyler whispered, he was somewhere else. Tyler's world spun, he was getting beat up, losing. A sore loser, that's all he was. Josh. Tyler's head snapped to the side. His vision went black. 


"You need to leave him alone, got it? He does nothing but defend himself. You need to get your head on straight and tell your friends that." "He's the one who started beating everyone up!" "You keep it going, this is never going to stop!" "I don't. He deserves it anyway." "You know what, you're going to the office right now. If you're not going to listen then I'll have them suspend each and every one of you!" The door slammed shut. 

Tyler's eyes fluttered open, Josh looked furious. He was in his classroom, sitting on the same chair from their affairs.  "Mr. Dun?" Tyler whispered. Josh looked at him. "Tyler, I'm sorry," Josh whispered, bending down to eye level with Tyler. The brunette looked away. "Does anything hurt?" Josh asked. "I- Why do y-you care?" Tyler croaked, trying to get away. Josh's eyes widened. "Y-You make it so hard to not fall in love with you, J-Josh. I-I can't s-stop thinking about you, I-I'm sorry," Tyler sobbed. Josh hugged him. "I love you too, Tyler. It's my fault, I'm sorry. I was the idiot," Josh whispered. Tyler buried his face in Josh's chest. "Do you mean it? D-do you actually love me? Or is this another joke?" Tyler whispered, he felt guilty saying it but he needed to know if Josh wasn't lying to make him feel better. 

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