Infected Thoughts

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Tyler rolled onto his stomach, he looked at Josh who was on the other end of the bed folding laundry. Tyler giggled as Josh tossed a pair of balled-up socks to his face. Tyler laughed, burying his face in the pillows. Josh smiled as Tyler sat up and started swaying his ears, he loved how easily entertained Tyler was. Tyler crawled up to Josh, he laid on his tummy looking at the older. Josh stroked his ears gently, smiling when Tyler buried his face in the mattress. Tyler pushed forward, knocking Josh's hand off his ears. Josh picked him up and placed Tyler on his lap. Tyler smiled as buried his face in Josh's chest. Tyler was extra smiley today. Josh kissed the top of Tyler's head.  Tyler squirmed, he looked up and kissed Josh's lips. Josh smiled, he kissed Tyler back. Tyler giggled, he let out a scream. Josh laughed. "Baby, don't scream," Josh whispered, hugging Tyler. The bunny squirmed in Josh's grip. He rolled out of Josh's arms. The brunette tried doing his signature tumble on the floor. "No, baby. Not on the floor," Josh said, grabbing Tyler's hips and pulling him back. Tyler whined. Josh pushed him back onto the bed. Tyler sat on his feet, he put his hands between his legs and pushed forward. His ears got stuck as always.  Josh helped him up. "Bunny," Josh cooed. Tyler smiled at the tone of Josh's voice. He reached for Josh's face. Josh cupped his cheeks and kissed him. Tyler giggled again. Josh picked him up. "I love you so much," Josh gushed. "I love you," Tyler mumbled with a soft smile. Josh smiled, he loved Tyler's small soft voice. 


"Let it cool, baby," Josh said. Tyler looked at the bowl of soup in front of him. He watched as Josh turned around. Tyler grabbed his spoon, he spooned a single carrot in his mouth. His eyes widened when it burned his mouth. He kept in a whine and swallowed the carrot down. Josh flinched as Tyler whined loudly. "What did you do?" Josh asked, looking at the brunette. Tyler stuck out his tongue, pointing at it. Josh smiled. "Did you burn your tongue?" Josh cooed. Tyler nodded, his wide eyes growing wider. Josh smiled and kissed Tyler's lips. "You're so naughty," Josh smiled, blowing on Tyler's soup. Tyler opened his mouth as Josh fed him a cooled spoonful of soup. Tyler gave a toothy grin when it didn't burn his tongue. Josh smiled and kissed Tyler's nose. Tyler ran his hand over his nose. 

Tyler ran after Josh, they were playing hide and seek. Tyler looked around for Josh. The brunette whined when he didn't see Josh.  Tyler plopped on the floor, getting bored. He rolled onto his stomach. Tyler screamed. Josh came out of his hiding place, he sighed when he saw Tyler on the floor. "Baby, you need to stop screaming," Josh whispered, picking Tyler up. Tyler looked at Josh. They made eye contact. Tyler screamed again, his ears shooting up. Josh couldn't help but smile. Tyler hugged Josh. "Aw, you're so adorable," Josh cooed. Tyler whined softly. 


Tyler splashed the water in the bathtub. Josh grabbed his hands. "Nuh uh, bad bunny," Josh tsked. Tyler whined, trying to push Josh's hands away. Josh shook his head. Tyler gave up. Josh kissed Tyler's hands, he let them go. Tyler whined, getting bored of the bath. "Shh, let me rinse you off, you still have soap on your hair and ears," Josh whispered. Tyler shook his ears. Josh smiled, he shook his head playfully. 

Tyler held out his arms as Josh rubbed lotion onto his skin. The brunette pulled away when they were finished. Josh picked him up. "You're so rowdy," Josh whispered. Tyler giggled. Josh kissed his cheek. 


Josh stroked Tyler's ears gently. The bunny's eyelashes covered his eyes as he fell asleep. Tyler's breaths grew slow. Josh gave him one last kiss before he fell asleep.

Tyler's eyes fluttered open when he felt movement next to him. The bunny's eyes widened when he caught sight of Josh. The older was jerking off, groaning quietly. Tyler whined quietly, his member twitching in interest. Josh looked at him. "F-Fuck, Tyler," Josh moaned lowly, thumbing his slit. Tyler gasped. Josh came after a few more strokes. Tyler rolled onto Josh's stomach, not processing the fact that he was sitting on Josh's cum. He didn't mind. Josh smiled as Tyler buried his face in his chest. Josh rubbed the sensitive spot on Tyler's ear. Tyler shook his leg, he whimpered. Josh flipped them over, the cum spilling everywhere. Josh dipped his hand in Tyler's underwear. The brunette moaned. Josh kissed Tyler's neck, one hand in Tyler's underwear the other on his ear. Tyler trembled, his body jolting from all the pleasure. Tyler moaned, his breath heavy. Tyler's mouth fell open, he let out loud moans. His back arched. Josh smirked, he loved when Tyler got all worked up. He loved everything Tyler did. Tyler whined loudly when he came, he gasped for air. Josh stopped touching him but he kept a hand on Tyler's hips. Tyler whimpered, his eyes squeezing shut as Josh pulled off his underwear. Tyler's ears quivered. Josh calmed him down a bit, kissing his thighs gently. Tyler whined, kicking his legs. Josh shook his head and pinned him down. Tyler whined. Josh slowly rubbed his finger over Tyler's rim. Tyler tensed, he moved his hips desperately. Josh kissed his thigh and pushed the finger into him. Tyler moaned. Josh watched as Tyler squirmed in pleasure. Tyler's member twitched as he came again, not lasting very long. Tyler whined, he looked up at Josh. The older turned on their lamp. Josh frowned as Tyler started screaming. 

Josh picked him up. "Baby, shh. Calm down, I'm right here," Josh whispered, bouncing Tyler gently. Tyler buried his face in Josh's shoulder. 

Josh rubbed Tyler's back as he fell back to sleep. Josh kissed Tyler's forehead. "I love you," Josh whispered. Tyler slept calmly on Josh's chest that night, his hands in Josh's. 

(this was mostly fluff now that i read over it)

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