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Josh walked into the room, he caught sight of Tyler panting on their bed. Just like he did when they had sex. Josh caught sight of a man's coat on the floor, that wasn't his. "Josh," Tyler said surprised. Josh swallowed thickly, Tyler had cum on his chest. "What happened?" Josh asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was. Tyler looked away, refusing to make eye contact. "Tyler? W-What did you do?" Josh asked, his voice shaky. "Nothing, Josh," Tyler said. Josh caught sight of a condom and lube on the ground. He picked them up. "We don't use this brand," Josh whispered, looking at Tyler. The brunette shrugged. Tears stung Josh's eyes, he held them back. "Tyler, what the fuck did you do?" Josh asked coldly. "Nothing, I told you already," Tyler spat. "Who did you fuck?" Josh asked harshly. Tyler looked away. Josh grabbed Tyler's jaw roughly. "W-Who fucked you?" Josh asked. Tyler saw the tears in Josh's eyes. "Ethan, he fucked me. And I let him," Tyler said. Josh's eyes widened. "Why?" Josh asked brokenly. "You're always fucking woman in your office!" Tyler yelled. "Tyler, that isn't me. I haven't touched anyone since the last time we did something and I guess that's the last time I'll ever do so," Josh whispered. "Why are there always moans coming from that end?" Tyler asked coldly. "If you cared to look for yourself, you'd see there's a whole lot of rooms around the corner!" Josh yelled. Tyler bit his lip in shame. 

Josh looked at him. "Is that it? You really don't trust me?" Josh asked. Tyler held back tears. "I-I" he tried. "Tyler you're everything I had. A-And that's it?" Josh whispered, choking back tears. "Yeah," Tyler whispered. Josh's heart shattered. The end, already? "O-Okay, you'd be better off with him? Wouldn't you?" Josh asked quietly. Tyler looked at him. "No, I wouldn't," Tyler whispered. "Then why didn't you ask me? Why didn't you confront me?" Josh whispered. Tyler's watched as tears spilled from Josh's eyes. "I would have rather been accused falsely. That could have been u-undone. B-But now I lost you," Josh said, wiping his eyes. Tyler looked down, could he had been any more stupid? This was all his fault. "W-Was he at least kind to you?" Josh asked a part of him couldn't hate Tyler. Tyler didn't answer. Josh tossed the condom and lube back onto Tyler's bed. It wasn't theirs anymore. They glanced at each other. Josh's chest tightened, he left the room. 

That night Josh cried, for the first time in a long time. Tyler was too angry at himself to cry about it, this was his fault.


They didn't talk for a week. Josh was in a terrible place. He overworked himself, wearing himself out so he didn't think about anything. Not sleeping because laying in bed was another opportunity to think. Josh would refuse to eat, whispering simple "no thank you" with a forced smile. Tyler avoided everything, he stayed in his room. He heard about things. He overheard the maids whispering to each other. "They put him back on his anxiety medications," a maid whispered. "What happened to him?" the other woman asked. "No one knows," the maid shrugged. A butler rushed in. Tyler heard panicked whispers, he couldn't hear them. Tyler buried his face in his hands. He caused this. 

Tyler opened the door when someone knocked on it. It was Ethan. "Ethan, I'm not doing this anymore," Tyler whispered, letting him in. "Oh? Didn't you and your husband divorce?" Ethan asked. "We weren't married, now we'll never be," Tyler said, looking at the engagement ring on the nightstand. Ethan sighed. "Tyler, look at me," he whispered. Tyler looked at him. "You need to fix this, I'll start with getting out of your lives. I know you still love him. Have you seen how Josh is? He looks dead, the guy isn't what he used to be," Ethan whispered. Tyler ran a hand through his hair. "B-But how? Sex can't be undone," Tyler said. "But an argument can. Show him that you're sorry. Maybe, something will go right," Ethan said before leaving. Tyler watched as he left. He wanted something to go right. 

a few days later

Josh looked up when there a knock at his office door. "Come in," Josh said hoarsely. Drinking water wasn't something he had time for. Tyler took a deep breath before opening the door, he locked it. Josh's heart dropped when he saw Tyler. "Can we talk?" Tyler asked, looking at him. Josh chewed on his chapped bottom lip. "I know we're not on talking terms, Josh. I really want to fix this, I miss you," Tyler whispered. Josh sighed. "Okay," he whispered. 

Tyler led Josh to a private room. The older followed behind, keeping his distance. "I'm sorry," Tyler whispered as Josh sat down. Josh stared at him. "I was an idiot, I shouldn't have assumed anything. This is all my fault. I hurt you," Tyler said. Josh bit his lip. "And-And I don't expect you to forgive me but I need you to take care of yourself," Tyler whispered, looking at Josh. "I'm being dramatic. I'm sorry, this isn't your fault," Josh said. Tyler shook his head. "It is, Josh. I could've easily avoided all of this," Tyler whispered. Josh looked at Tyler. "What are we going to do?" Josh asked. "I'll figure it out," Tyler said. "Just get some sleep, please? I don't want you getting sick," Tyler whispered. "Okay," Josh answered. 

week one

Josh was getting better, he paced himself. Tyler tried his best to fix things, trying to spark a conversation with one another. No physical touch yet, Tyler was afraid it would bring memories back to Josh. Tyler gave Josh some alone time, he didn't want to invade Josh's personal life. They slept separately, not ready to be so close again. 

month one

They now smiled at each other. Tyler managed to make Josh laugh every now and then. Tyler spent more time in Josh's office. They talked a lot more. The maids and butlers noticed the change in Josh's energy. Tyler ate lunch with Josh. They eventually managed to sleep on opposite sides of the bed. They moved into a new room, they wanted to move on not live in the bad memories. Hugs were now okay for both of them. This was going right.

month 6

They were doing it. Tyler pressed his lips against Josh's. The older kissed back. They fell back onto the bed. Josh grabbed Tyler's hips, he pulled away looking at the familiar brunette. "Is this okay?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "Is this okay with you?" Tyler asked. Josh nodded. They went over safewords for when they wanted to stop, the same one for both of them. Tyler whimpered when Josh traveled down his neck. Josh looked up at Tyler. "You okay?" Tyler asked. Josh smiled. "Are you?" Josh whispered, leaning down to kiss Tyler's neck again. Tyler laughed softly. Josh ran his hands up Tyler's sides. "I missed your body," Josh whispered. Tyler smiled, he brought Josh back down for a kiss. 

Josh slipped off Tyler's clothes. He looked at Tyler's member, the precum was beading at the tip. Josh slipped off his own shirt, he quickly discarded the rest of his clothes. Tyler's eyes roamed Josh's body. Tyler whimpered when Josh grabbed his member and jerked him off gently. Tyler's eyes unfocused. "A-Ah," Tyler moaned softly. Josh groaned softly, he thumbed Tyler's tip. Josh watched as Tyler came into his wrist. Tyler breathed heavily. 

Josh grabbed the lube from their nightstand. Their normal brand. Josh let out a soft sigh, he leaned down to kiss Tyler. "Do you want to ride me?" Josh asked. Tyler's eyes widened eagerly, he nodded. Josh smiled and flipped them over. Tyler straddled Josh's waist. "D-Do you think I can do it without prep?" Tyler asked softly, his hands pressed against Josh's chest. Josh smiled. "I dunno, let's see," Josh said. Tyler nodded. He looked down at Josh's member, he forgot how big Josh was. Tyler bit his lip gently. He lined himself up to Josh's member. Tyler sunk down a few inches. He gasped at the burn. "O-Oh m-my g-go-," Tyler moaned. Josh grunted quietly at how tight Tyler was. Tyler moaned, he started bouncing. 

Tyler's bounces were fast, the burning hurting in the right way. Tyler moaned loudly. Josh let out a low moan. Josh came without warning, he didn't last long after not having sex for almost half a year. Tyler whimpered, the wet sounds from his actions making both of them blush slightly. Tyler's member twitched as he came. Josh smiled. Tyler slipped off and leaned down to connect their lips. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist. Tyler kissed him gently. "I love you," Josh whispered into the kiss. Tyler blushed, he wasn't used to that. "I love you too, Josh," Tyler smiled. 


Tyler smiled as Josh kissed him. A wedding ring on both of their fingers. Josh picked Tyler up. "I love you so much," Tyler whispered. Josh smiled, he buried his face in Tyler's neck. 

It went right. What if it had gone wrong, was this all a dream? What if. 

(haha no)

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