Paint The Walls

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Thank you for the request!!

Tyler jumped slightly when the door to his room opened. "Sorry, Tyler. You have a customer," the receptionist said. Tyler's eyes widened. "Oh? Do they have an appointment?" Tyler asked, looking through his planner. "He does," The woman said. "Oh, Josh Dun?" Tyler asked. The woman nodded. "You can let him in," Tyler said a polite smile on his face. 


Tyler couldn't keep his eyes off Josh. The brunette had fallen for him the second he walked into his salon room. Josh looked at Tyler. "You okay?" he asked gently when he saw Tyler's flushed cheeks. "Y-Yeah," Tyler nodded. Josh smiled gently. 

Tyler cussed at himself for messing up. He dried Josh's hair, the color blue suited the man well. Josh could tell Tyler was flustered. He way his voice trembled slightly when Josh had asked him questions. Tyler would blush when Josh smiled at him.

"We're done," Tyler breathed when he finished. "Do you think you can show me to the restroom?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded, his cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Tyler led Josh to the restroom. Tyler gasped as Josh brought him into the bathroom with him. "You're blushing," Josh whispered, looking down at Tyler. "I-I'm sorry," Tyler whispered. Josh smiled softly. God, that smile. "Don't be," Josh said gently, his mocha eyes looking into Tyler's beautiful brown eyes. Tyler leaned in. "Can I have a kiss?" Tyler whispered, looking at Josh's lips. Josh's lips curled into a smile. "Not yet," he whispered, pushing Tyler against the wall gently. Tyler tried leaning in further but Josh pulled back. "I need your lips on mine," Tyler whispered, gripping his hands forearms. "Not yet, love," Josh whispered again. Tyler breathed heavily. "Please," he whimpered, growing needy. Josh watched as Tyler's eyebrows moved in a way that made him twitch. "No," Josh breathed, teasing Tyler further. Tyler panted. "Josh," Tyler breathed. "Yes?" Josh answered quietly. "I need you," Tyler whispered. "Me too," Josh whispered back. "Why won't you kiss me?" Tyler whimpered, needy. Josh didn't answer, instead he slotted his thigh in between Tyler thighs. Tyler let him slide in easily. Josh rubbed his leg against Tyler's crotch. "Ah," Tyler breathed, his lips parting. Josh rubbed his leg roughly against Tyler's bulge. Tyler moaned, his jaw falling open. "Kiss me, please," Tyler whined, his thighs trembling. Josh groaned. "Not yet, love," Josh repeated. Tyler moaned breathlessly. 

Tyler creamed his underwear. The brunette gripped Josh's forearms tightly. "Can you kiss me?" Tyler whimpered. Josh looked at him, he leaned in centimeters away from Tyler's lips. "Do you think you can get on your knees?" Josh whispered. Tyler whined as their lips brushed against each other. "Yes," Tyler breathed. "Good boy," Josh praised quietly as Tyler dropped to his knees. Tyler unzipped Josh's jeans quickly, his fingers fumbling. Josh watched as Tyler pulled out his member. "It's big," Tyler breathed. Josh blushed. Tyler took him in, taking Josh by surprise. "Fuck," Josh gasped, using the wall behind Tyler to support himself. Tyler sucked Josh's dick, his plump lips wrapping around him perfectly. Tyler pulled off for air making Josh groan as he gasped. "Mmph," Tyler moaned, he grabbed Josh's member again and licked his tip. Josh moaned softly, he thrusted into Tyler's mouth. Tyler opened his mouth wide, letting Josh fuck his mouth. Josh moaned as Tyler gagged. "Don't swallow," Josh whispered before releasing. Tyler managed to save some in his mouth. 

Josh smiled, he pulled Tyler up. "You want your kiss now?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded eagerly. Josh pulled up his pants. Tyler gasped as Josh kissed him. They exchanged spit, snowballing the cum until it was gone. Tyler moaned, he gripped Josh's hair. "You're adorable," Josh whispered when they pulled away. Tyler blushed, panting quietly. Josh slipped a note in Tyler's pocket before leaving. 

"What the hell," Tyler breathed as he tried regaining his breath. 

(Shit chapter ☹)

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