Love At First Sight?

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Tyler ran up the grand staircase. "Mr. Joseph, late again, I see," his teacher said as he burst through the door. "Sorry, Madam I-" "No, No. No excuses" his teacher tsked. Tyler sighed and sat down in his spot on the floor. "Today, you have a ballroom dance with students from a different academy. You best be on your best behavior unless you want to face another cruel four hours of practice on Monday," his teacher announced. "Yes madam," the class answered. "Get into your outfits. We don't have time to waste," their teacher clapped her hands. Tyler stood up, he was still trying to regain his breath. "Tyler, this is yours," a girl from his class called. "Thanks," Tyler said, grabbing the suit from her hands. "Yeah, you dipshit," she said. Tyler rolled his eyes playfully. 

He changed in the bathroom, not wanting anyone to see what he had underneath. What? It made him feel pretty. Tyler pulled down his sweats, he quickly pulled up his other pants. Tyler slipped on his white dress shirt before grabbing the tie. He wasn't nervous for the dance, he had had plenty of ballroom dances before. They weren't horrible. 

"Alright, all ladies on the left side of the room and gentlemen on the right," the teacher said. They rushed to get into place. "We have an extra male, so ladies who do you think should move over on the ladies' side?" the teacher asked. The girls looked at each other. "Joseph, madam," a girl said, all the girls hummed in agreement. Tyler's eyes widened, he moved to the other side of the room. "Alright ladies and Joseph, grab a partner and get into position," their teacher ordered. Tyler looked at the boy across from him. He grabbed his hand. "You're not disgusted, are you?" Tyler asked, placing his hand on the boy's left shoulder. The boy laughed. "Do you want me to be?" he asked, placing his hand on Tyler's waist. Tyler rolled his eyes. 


Josh watched as the group of other people filed into the room. "Good evening, academies. We will pair you up, please listen for your name," the principal announced. Tyler sighed after a few minutes, his name still not having been called. "Joshua Dun and Tyler Joseph," The principal announced. Tyler stood up and looked around for his partner. Josh smirked when he saw Tyler, god he looked amazing. Tyler took his hand and led him to their space. "Hi," Tyler smiled, looking up at Josh. "Hi," Josh answered. Tyler giggled. "You're so awkward," he said. Josh smiled. "Alright, have fun," the principal announced. Tyler placed his hand on Josh's shoulder, he was taking the female role. "Is this weird for you?" Tyler asked, looking up at the taller. "No," Josh shook his head. Tyler smiled. "Good," Tyler smiled. "Why would this be weird?" Josh asked, placing his hand on Tyler's waist. Tyler shrugged. "You're gorgeous, I wouldn't have a problem either way," Josh whispered, grabbing Tyler's jaw. Tyler blushed. " I don't have a problem either," Tyler whispered. Josh smiled. And all Tyler wanted at that moment was a kiss, love at first sight? Tyler rolled his eyes at himself. 

Tyler tipped his glass to his lips. He noticed Josh staring at him. Tyler smiled. "You okay?" he asked. Josh laughed. "I'm doing amazing," Josh said. Tyler giggled. They looked at each other for a few moments, taking in each other's presence. Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and led him towards the restrooms. Luckily all the restrooms were for a person at a time. Tyler stumbled behind Josh. He watched as Tyler closed the door. "May I?" Josh asked, looking down at Tyler's lips. Tyler nodded. Josh pressed his lips against Tyler's. Tyler sighed into the kiss, kissing back passionately. They rubbed against each other, Josh pushed Tyler against the wall. Tyler moaned softly, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck. Josh smiled against Tyler's lips, he picked up Tyler's thighs. "J-Josh, oh my god," Tyler moaned, he was smiling slightly. Josh smirked. "How far do you want to go?" Josh asked. "As far as you'll go but can we please go to my dorm, wouldn't want to be heard. I'm not a quiet one," Tyler whispered. "Of course, it's not a bother. I want to hear all your pretty noises," Josh whispered. "What room are you?" Josh asked, fixing Tyler's hair. "153 in the fourth building," Tyler answered. Josh's eyes widened. "That's my dorm too," Josh said. Tyler smiled, he kissed Josh's cheek. 

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