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Yells echoed through their house. It was unusual to hear yelling in the house. Tyler and Josh had always been perfect together but it was crumbling down for the past two weeks. A stupid argument, something about Josh talking to someone and not wanting to let Tyler know who it was. Tyler never cared about who Josh talked to but Josh seemed to grow distant. "Did you forget we're still together?!" Tyler yelled, letting a plate fall to the ground in frustration. Josh took a step back in fear. Tyler's heart fell. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tyler gasped. Josh looked at him, anger present in his eyes. "I'll leave," Josh whispered. Tyler's eyes widened, anger immediately took over, he didn't get angry when Josh told him he was too sensitive. "Fine, leave," He mumbled, turning away and picking up the shards of the plate. 

And that was their last interaction. 


Tyler laid on his bed miserably. The house was dead. The flowers on the windowsills were wilting. He hadn't heard from Josh in a month. Tyler was afraid he would fall back into his bad coping methods. Tyler cried a lot now, he barely ate. He regretted everything. They were both stressed and tired, maybe if they would have taken care of each other he would still be with the love of his life. Of course, he wanted Josh to be jealous. So he hooked up with a random man. It didn't end well, the man had been purposely rough with him. Tyler sobbed halfway through, the wrong type of pain taking over his senses. Tyler sat on the bed sobbing, the pain being too much for him. The man looked angry and he left, slamming the door shut. Tyler had taken care of himself. He went back to doing nothing. Tyler sighed. 

This was all his fault. 

Josh fidgeted with his hoodie as he sat on his couch. He wasn't doing well after leaving Tyler but he had no reason to go back. Yes, he did. He missed Tyler terribly. And he tried to distract himself. He brought a boy home from the bar. Shirts were pulled off, he noticed the boy seemed extremely young, not that some adults had baby faces but this boy looked like he belonged in a high school. Before Josh could take off his clothes he looked at the boy. "Are you underage?" Josh asked. The boy looked down shamefully. Josh sighed. "Listen, I know you want someone to do stuff with but don't go for an adult, you hear me? You're gonna get everyone in trouble," Josh whispered. The boy nodded nervously, Josh's anger scaring him. "Now put on your shirt and leave," Josh ordered. "But I don't know-" The boy squeaked when Josh tossed a twenty-dollar bill at him. "Get out," Josh said.  The boy scampered out. Josh hated himself dearly after that, he just needed Tyler but Tyler didn't need or want him. Josh wasn't talking to someone else, it was a friend he had gotten in contact with from college. He didn't mean to distance himself from Tyler, he was just really excited but he didn't tell Tyler. Tyler seemed busy anyway. Josh knew it was all his fault, he should have told Tyler about the friend but he didn't. 

This was all his fault. 

And that was when a wedding came up. 

They were given the same hotel room. They didn't acknowledge each other. That was until they got drunk, too drunk. The people on the dance floor screamed, intoxicated as the men ground on each other. The bride smashed into them, everyone laughed. Their cheers growing louder. 

Tyler kissed Josh roughly as they stumbled into their room. "Daddy," he whispered. This wasn't right. Neither of them cared. Josh kissed him rougher, his hands exploring Tyler's body. "Fuck me," Tyler hiccuped, slipping onto Josh's lap. Josh dizzily grabbed his hips, unbuttoning Tyler's pants sloppily but quickly. Josh groaned as Tyler kissed him again. Josh held his hips tightly. Tyler gasped as Josh pulled off his pants, revealing panties. Josh looked at him, the eye contact did nothing but make them giggle. Idiots. Tyler rolled his hips. Not many words were exchanged as Tyler unbuttoned Josh's shirt. It fell to the floor. Tyler slipped off his own shirt, his hands going to Josh's pants. Josh kissed his neck roughly. Tyler gasped, his hands pulling off Josh's pants and underwear. Without warning, Tyler rolled his hips. Their members rubbed against each other, driving them dizzy with need. Tyler was letting out steady moans while Josh groaned into his neck. Tyler went faster, the friction growing consistent. "Ah, daddy," Tyler whined, his voice high. Josh groaned, biting down on Tyler's neck. Tyler gasped, his body shook as he came. Tyler's climax led to Josh's and they both fell back on the bed. 

Drunk sex was not it. Josh leaned in the doorway watching as Tyler threw up in the toilet bowl. Tyler looked wrecked in the sunlight. Tyler groaned miserably before he leaned forward again. Josh looked away. Tyler stood up when he felt he was done, cleaning the disgusting mess. "You need pills," Josh whispered. "Obviously," Tyler sighed, brushing his teeth. Tyler was afraid of what was to come next, he didn't know what to say. Josh came back with a pill and a water bottle. Tyler took it from him and swallowed it, he hated pills. "Josh," Tyler started, looking at the older man. Josh pressed his lips against Tyler's. "We'll figure it out," Josh whispered. Tyler nodded silently. 

Josh was in the shower, Tyler sobbed on his bed. Tyler was overwhelmed, he didn't know what to do. He was angry with himself, they had ruined it further. Tyler opened the door to the bathroom. Josh sighed when he saw Tyler's figure. "Come here," Josh said. Tyler didn't move, he stood still crying silently. Josh pulled him into the shower, not caring about Tyler's clothes. He pinned Tyler against the wall. "Shh," Josh whispered as Tyler sobbed. "It's okay," Josh soothed, picking Tyler up. "I-I miss you," Tyler hiccuped in between sobs. Josh's gaze drifted into Tyler's eyes. "I do too, Tyler," Josh whispered. Tyler wiped his eyes. "I'm so stupid, Josh," Tyler whispered. "I'm the one who messed up," Josh mumbled. Tyler sniffled. "I'm sorry. I want to start over, it was a stupid argument I-I could've told you it was a friend from college but I didn't and now this happened," Josh whispered. Tyler's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, Josh," Tyler whispered. 


Tyler lay beside Josh. He missed this, Josh was busy telling the hosts of the party that they couldn't go to the after-party thing they had planned. No one was looking forward to a hangover party. They planned to stay away from alcohol for a long time. Tyler pressed his face against Josh's neck. Josh kissed him. Tyler's eyes filled with tears. Josh's face dropped. "Hey, it's okay, love," Josh whispered. "I'm so stupid," Tyler whispered, his voice hushed. "You're not, Ty," Josh whispered.  Josh held Tyler close. The brunette eventually asked Josh if they could do something. Josh had agreed. 

Now, Josh carefully teased Tyler's entrance. His fingers slick with lube. Tyler whimpered, his hands clinging onto Josh's shirt. Tyler's legs rested on either side of Josh's body. He lay tummy down on Josh's chest. Josh pushed in a single finger, they weren't going to do anything big right now. Tyler was instantly quietly asking for more. Josh slipped in another finger, working them into Tyler's tight hole. Tyler moaned softly, burying his face in Josh's chest. Tyler started getting louder. "Shh, love," Josh whispered, slipping in another finger. Tyler gripped Josh's shirt tightly. Josh smiled, slipping in yet another finger. Tyler moaned, the fourth finger filling him up nicely. "Does that feel good?" Josh asked, tilting Tyler's jaw up with his free hand. Tyler whimpered in response. His hips twitched when Josh hit his prostate. Josh smirked as Tyler came. Tyler looked up at Josh, a heavy blush painting his cheeks. "I love you," Tyler whispered. "I love you too," Josh mumbled. 

(sorry for the shitty chapter, I gave up halfway through ☹)

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