I Won't

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Not Much Smut but part two is ;)

Tyler sighed as he parked in his usual spot. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant, sure the restaurant was more of a bar than an actual restaurant but he found a restaurant to be a better name. He grabbed his bag and walked towards the back door. 

"Hey Ty," his manager said with a smile.

"Hey, Mari," he said softly as he shoved his stuff in his locker. 

"Busy Friday today," Mari said casually. She chuckled when Tyler groaned. 

Tyler pulled on his apron and gave a little wave as he grabbed his notepad and pushed through the doors into the restaurant. 

Tyler was happy to say his shift was almost over but he had a table that sat 4 men. He sighed as he kindly walked to the table. "Good evening. Is there anything I can get for you guys?" he said in an overly sweet voice. "That ass, please," one of the men said. Tyler blushed, rolling his eyes afterward.  "Anything to drink", he said emphasizing the drink. "Come on, we know you like the flirting," another man said. The other two chuckling, Tyler noticed one of the men had been completely silent and cringing at the others. Tyler sighed. "Anything I can get you, sir?", Tyler asked the yellow-haired man who had been silent the whole time. "Uh, just water please", the man said with a sweet smile as he pulled his hood off. Tyler nodded returning a smile.  "I'll be-", Tyler was cut off as he gasped. His head whipped around. The yellow-haired man glared at the one who had touched Tyler. "Don't you fucking touch him, he's not here to have your affairs," the yellow-haired man spat at the man who had grabbed Tyler's ass. "I'm so sorry," the yellow-haired man said looking up at Tyler. "Y-Yeah, I'll j-just go", he croaked out, tears gathering in his eyes. The yellow-haired man noticed and frowned. Before he knew Tyler was rushing off to the bathroom. 

The yellow-haired man gave a glare at his no longer friends and stood up rushing to the bathroom. He pushed open the door to the bathroom, walking towards the stall that held a crying boy. 

"Tyler, you in there?", the yellow-haired man asked quietly knocking on the stall door. "P-Please don't hurt me," Tyler sobbed. "No, I would never. Will you let me in please?", the yellow-haired man asked softly. Tyler stood up unlocking the stall door and letting the yellow-haired man in. "You're okay", he said wrapping Tyler in a tight hug. Tyler melted into the hug sobbing quietly into the man's chest. 

Once Tyler had calmed down he pulled away looking up at the man. The man wore a warm smile and his eyes looked so beautiful. Oh, Tyler wanted to kiss him right then and there. The man watched as the smaller boy's brown eyes went from his eyes to his lips. He smirked. "My name's Josh," he said softly before he connected his lips to Tyler's. Tyler gasped and his small hands grabbed at Josh's hoodie. 

Once the kiss got heated, Josh pulled away leaving Tyler to open his eyes slowly. "Not in here, love", Josh said softly rubbing Tyler's cheek. Tyler just looked at him with wide eyes. "Here I'll give you my number and you give me a call later? Is that okay with you?", Josh asked. Tyler nodded franticly, handing his phone to Josh. Josh smiled and typed in his phone number. "I'll hear from you later, sweetheart. Take care and please don't cry anymore," he said softly pulling the smaller boy into a hug. Tyler nuzzled into the man's chest. 

"Thanks for coming in here. I mean you didn't have to but I really appreciate it. I don't mean to be sensitive but sometimes the tears just come out and when you came in here I really didn't mean to assume you would hurt me I know stranger danger and all but you're really sweet and you just-", Tyler was cut off from his rambling when Josh kissed him. "Best way to quiet someone down. You don't need to say thank you, love. It's what was expected from me," Josh said softly. 

"I'll talk to you later. Bye, sweetheart," Josh said as he left the stall. Tyler sighed happily. His internal fangirl squealed, Josh was attractive or better he was a god in Tyler's eyes. 

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