Not Such A Tough Guy (3/5)

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Tyler sat on his bed. The guards had put him in his own cell because he was bothering the others. Tyler smiled.

He scrunched his eyebrows when he heard his cell opening. "Here, they're for everyone," the guard said tossing something inside the cell. Tyler sat up and looked down from the top bunk. It was a book of some sort and a box of markers. He giggled. Was this preschool again?

Tyler jumped down. "Ow," he squeaked when he landed. He smiled and picked up the book and markers. "Coloring book," he mumbled. He flipped through the pages, they were those adult coloring books with flowers and nature pictures. Tyler giggled at a dog picture.

His attention was pulled towards the sound of people coming towards his cell. It was the cows. Tyler grinned. "Hi cows," he said with a smile gripping the bars of the cell door. The three men snapped their heads towards Tyler. "Shut up sparkle eyes," one of the cows said. Tyler's eyes widened. He laughed. "Thanks cow," he said with a cheeky smile. The cow was irritated that Tyler was unbothered by the insult.

Tyler giggled as the cows were led away by the guards. Tyler sighed, he wanted Josh badly. He wasn't sure what time it was but Josh said at 1 pm he would call Tyler over. Tyler craved Josh's touch. He wanted sleep too but it's not possible in here. Tyler didn't sleep last night, he felt guilty for not obeying Josh.

Tyler sat against the wall, drawing random things on his hand with the markers. Maybe he was getting homesick, he wanted his stuffed bear, Berry. It was a bit childish but the bear meant everything to him. He thought of the last place he left the bear. His bed, it was probably waiting on the pink sheets. Tyler smiled. 24 more days till he got out of here and got to hug Berry again.

"Gosh, now I miss it more," Tyler sighed.

Tyler was daydreaming. It was rudely interrupted by a jangle of keys. He snapped out of it and glanced at the guard. "Get up," the guard demanded. Tyler stood up, groaning when his back started aching. He stuck his arms out. The guard grabbed them roughly and handcuffed him. "Jeez sir, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Tyler teased. The guard scoffed and shoved Tyler out. "Alright alright," Tyler surrendered.

Tyler frowned when the guard led him to the cafeteria. It was only 12? Why does time move so slow when you want it to go faster?

He was uncuffed and shoved into the cafeteria. Tyler walked over to the empty bench.
Tyler played with his food, he wasn't hungry. He didn't like the food anyway.

His plate was pushed off the table. It crashed on the floor. Tyler looked up at the person. Another man, at least he didn't look like a cow. This guy looked like horse. "What?" Tyler asked. The man smirked and knocked Tyler off of his seat. Tyler glared at him. "So this is what you want to play?," he asked standing up. "Leave me alone," Tyler said with a smile. "Leave me alone," the man mocked in a high pitched voice. Tyler giggled. "Get out of my face horse face," Tyler spat. The man glared. "Stay mad," Tyler said before sliding back onto his seat. Tyler winced when the man kicked him on the back. Tyler stood up and shoved him against the table. "Honey get the fuck out of here before I knock you out cold," Tyler threatened. "You wouldn't," the man said. Tyler punched him. Making the guys nose bleed. Tyler giggled. "You fucking bitch," the man yelled knocking Tyler back down.

Josh happened to be watching the cameras. He watched as Tyler was thrown back. He frowned. "Guys get the two fighting and bring me the brunette," Josh said through the walkie talkies (is that how you spell it?).

Tyler choked as the man grabbed his throat. He smiled and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. The man yelled in pain and fell sideways. Tyler escaped his grip. Tyler was laughing. "Nice try horsey" he said.  Josh smirked at this.

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