The new guy

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   "Babe! You almost ready?" I shout to Alli who is still in the bathroom doing her hair apparently. I have no idea how she spends so much time in there every day. I sit on my phone scrolling through social media. Nothing interesting.
   "Be out in a sec!" My girlfriend replies. I can still hear the hair dryer which means at least another 10 minutes. I wouldn't mind if she went to work in a pony tail and no make up. She's so cute with a pony tail and her glasses. She doesn't wear them very often but when she does it turns me on I can't lie.
20 minutes later she comes walking into the living room with her stuff. We head out of the door and towards the car. Once in the car the usual happens. She thinks she forgot something but she didn't. Then I turn on music which could be anything honestly. I'm not opposed to much. My favorite these days has been anything by Fletcher, the first 3 songs from Shawn Mendes' new album(in order every time), and anything sappy that I can sing loudly too. It helps get me energized in the morning for work.
We finally get to work, early as usual and we head in.
"See you at lunch cutie." I flirt with a smile to the gorgeous woman next to me.
"See you later." She replies with a wink.
The day goes on as usual. Not too much work today but not slow either. I don't mind it when it's like this. I hate when there's nothing to do I get so bored.
As I'm strolling down a walkway to find something a need from a different part of the area I know I'm about to walk past Allis desk. But what I'm not prepared for is the guy standing very close to her smiling and giggling. Yes giggling. Gross.
He's about 6 foot tall. Brown hair. Looks cocky like most men are. I'm so glad I'm a lesbian. If I weren't I would probably think he was attractive. Seeing as he's talking to MY girlfriend I stand a few feet away pretending to do something with the printer in front of me. I look up and she's smiling at him...with my smile. I know her smile isn't mine and she's allowed to smile at other people but she has a certain smile that she gives me. It's warm, and cute, and it's special because she has these adoring eyes that go with it.
I'm not usually the jealous type of person but I can't help it for some reason in this situation. I go back to work and go along with my day. She doesn't mention anything about a new friend at lunch but I'm not that type of person so I'm not gonna bring it up I trust her.
The end of the day approaches and I'm heading out of the building. I look up and I can see a head full of bright red head and I immediately know who it is. But what I don't expect to see is the cocky guy walking with. They seem pretty chatty. 'Ugh why am I so jealous? I'm never the jealous one.'
"Hey!" I say to Alli as I catch up with them.
"Oh, hey Grayson!" She replies back to me. It seems weird when she uses my full name sometimes but that is my name I guess.
"Oh! Hey Mark! This is my friend Grayson, Grayson this is Mark. He just transferred from a different location." She says to me. Kind of hurt by the 'friend' word but I understand because we still aren't out as a couple at work.
"Yeah, cool, hi!" I respond with not too much enthusiasm. But I try to be friendly.
"It was nice meeting you two! Alli I'll see you tomorrow?" Mark asks with that cheesy smile on his face. Gross.
"Yeah, of course. See ya!" Alli replies to him as he walks away and we continue walking to the car.
"So, who was that?" I say trying not to sound like I'm jealous. But can you blame me? He took my smile!
"Just someone I met today. Why?" She questions with a tone that sounds like she can tell I have a tone. Oops.
"Oh, nothing. He just seemed to like you." I tell her. Nothing making eye contact because I know exactly what she's going to say next.
"Babe, he's just a friend. Besides, I'm all yours remember?" My beautiful girl tell me as she flashes that million dollar smile I fell for.
How am I supposed to be even the slightest bit upset at a smile like that? I look over and I smile back. I lean over a bit and kiss her cheek.
"Mm, mine. All mine." I say as I pepper small kisses all over her face.
"All yours Gray. You know that." She giggles. Gosh I love her giggle.
We head home. Jamming out to music on the way of course. I offered to make dinner tonight. Let's hope I don't burn the house down. I have chosen steak, an assortment of veggies, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We may just end up eating them before I bake them like usual.
   We have casual conversation throughout dinner, shower and head to bed. I don't say anything to Alli but I just can't shake the feeling that Mark the new guy is up to no good. But, I trust my girlfriend and that's all that matters.
   Over the next few weeks everything is perfect. I fall more and more in love with the woman of my dreams everyday. There no dull moment when we're together. She never ceases to amaze me. She can go from super serious to super silly in a matter of seconds and I find it quite fun. Lately the game at work has been 'who can make the silliest face at the other person without anyone else noticing'. So far, I've been winning. Alli got caught by one of her co workers and she played it off as she had an itch on her face. It was hilarious.
   The week is almost to an end. Today is Friday which means one last day at work then we get to relax for the weekend. I'm so looking forward to it.
   Just when I thought nothing could go wrong I look up to see jerk face flirting with my girlfriend. He keeps looking her up and down as they're talking and she just doesn't seem to notice. Or she doesn't mind I'm not sure which is worse. It pains me a bit to see that she enjoys the attention. Am I not enough? Do I not pay enough attention to her?
   I can't stand to look at the scene in front of me anymore so I walk over and ask Alli a work related question to halt the conversation.
   "Hey boss, do you know where I can find any more copies of this?" I ask as I hold up a random piece of paper I found.
   Alli looks over at me with a questioning look, tells me that there are more on her desk, and that she will show me where they are. She excuses herself from her conversation with Mark as he stands there with an annoyed look.
   "What's up? You've got that I'm kinda mad at you look on your face." She asks me as we're pretty much alone walking down the hall.
   "Seriously? He's been flirting with you all day and you're letting him! I couldn't stand looking at it anymore." I shrug with a very unapologetic look.
   "Grayson, we're co workers, and he wasn't flirting with me. We were having a friendly conversation. That's all." Alli says to me. I can tell by her voice that she isn't very pleased with me at the moment.
   "I'm sorry babe, but he can't keep his eyes off of you. And I know it's not in a friendly way because that's how I look at you. He was practically undressing you with his eyes." I exaggerate.
   "I promise you Gray, I'm all yours no matter how anyone else looks at me. And even if he has been flirting I haven't been flirting back I promise." She grabs a hold of my hand gently. We're in a back hallway that no one really uses so we should have a minute to ourselves. She lifts my chin up to meet her eyes and smiles at me. How can I be mad at someone so freaking cute? I can't.
   "Fine. But I'm watching him." I say with a tone that is supposed to sound threading but coming from me it could never.
   "Go ahead. You's kinda hot when you get jealous." She bites her lip and pulls me closer to her. My eyes dart from her eyes to her lips. I sneak in a quick kiss but she pulls me in for more. I'm so glad there aren't cameras back here.
   I pull away because I know we both have to get back to work no matter how much I would rather be fucking her on a desk right now.
   "Come on, we need to head back. We'll start to look suspicious. I think James might already be onto us." I tell her. James is also a manager in the same department as both 0f us. He seems nice but I don't think I can trust anyone knowing that we're together.
   We walk back to our are, Alli goes a bit ahead of me so we don't go back at the same time. The day goes on and of course I catch glimpses of jerk face still trying to hit on Alli. It makes me feel better though knowing I'm the one that gets to see her naked every night. Haha jerk face. Suck it.

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