The Waiting Game

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*Alli's point of view*

It's been about a week now and Grayson is still in a coma. The doctors said that her brain is healing nicely but she still isn't ready to be woken up.
Over the past week I haven't gotten much sleep. I haven't really moved from the chair next to her bed much honestly. I'll eat a little bit here and there to keep myself going but that's about it. Hanna keeps trying to convince me to go home for a little bit to shower and get some sleep but I can't leave her side.
I see Hanna walk in with a few bags. She sets them down and start pulling out some food.
"Since you won't go anywhere to get food I brought the food to you and I'm not leaving until you eat." She says in a very stern tone. She's been so supportive and caring through this whole thing. I don't know what I would do without her. I have noticed though that she doesn't look like she's doing very well but she won't talk about it.
"Have you eaten anything today?" I ask in reply.
"No." She answers very shortly.
"Well I'll eat if you eat." I reason with her. I can tell she hasn't been taking care of herself properly. I see her sigh.
"Fine." She responds. We sit down together at the same table that is in the room and we eat in silence. Once we're finished eating she heads to leave but I stop her before she does.
" alright?" I ask. "I'm here if you need to talk or if you just a hug." I offer with a soft smile.
She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. I pull her into me and she starts to sob. I hold her close to me and just let her cry in my arms for a few minutes. I hadn't realized how much of a toll this has taken on her as well. I feel a little guilty.
"I'm sorry..." She finally says. "I know I probably shouldn't be this upset."
"Why do you think that? You're just as much a part of this relationship and Grayson's life than any of us. Baby look at me." I put my finger under her chin to look at her and her eyes are so puffy and red. "Grayson adores you so much. I can see the love in her eyes when she looks at you. She would be doing the same for either one of us if the roles were reversed." I tell her.
   "I know she would. She would be stubborn like you too." She jokes with a smile. I'm glad to see that smile again.
   "We're in the together. All of us. Now come sit with me and tell me what else is going on in that beautiful head of yours baby." I say to her. She sighs but eventually comes over and sits in the chair with me. I pull her into my lap and we talk for a bit.
   She tells me about how she's been depressed lately with everything going on with Gray, and work has been really stressful for her, and on top of all of that apparently her parents are trying to get in contact with her. Like both Grayson and I her parents weren't accepting of her choice of liking woman. They kicked her out when she told them she was no at age 17 and haven't spoken much to her since. From what she tells me they don't sound like very nice people. She said that her parents want to come up and see her but she doesn't know if she wants to see them or not.
   "Do you want to see them? Ultimately it's up to you. You are a strong independent woman and you make your own decisions. So don't let them pressure you into anything." I tell her.
   "Idk...I mean. I do miss them of course. They're my parents but I'm not sure where they are on the liking woman topic." She replies.
   "Well whatever you decide I'll be here to support you. I promise." I tell her as I hold up my pinky. I make pinky promises when I'm very serious about things. She thinks it's so silly but it gets a smile out of her too and that's all that matters.

                            *Hanna's point of view*

   Talking to Alli calms my nerves a little bit with the whole parent situation. She's right, I'm my own person and I can make decisions for myself. I think I want to meet up with them just to see what they have to say. Good or bad I can at least say I tried.
   I text my mom with a time and a place. I told her I can meet them tomorrow after I get off work. We're meeting at a little cafe downtown. If we're doing this we're doing it on my terms. I turn back to the sleeping brunette laying in the hospital bed and this all feels like a huge nightmare that we can't wake up from. The doctors said she's been slowly improving but she still looks the same and it's so scary.
   I can hear Alli mumbling a few words to her and I smile at the two. I can't imagine how she feels. The love of her life, the woman she's planning to marry has been asleep for over a week now. I've been doing my best to keep an eye on her. I always make sure she eats something but I'm not sure what else to do.
   "I'm gonna head out since I have work in the morning. Text or call if you need anything okay?" I tell Alli.
   "I will. You do the same." She tells me. I give her a hug and kiss and I lean over to Grayson and give her a kiss on the forehead as well.
   I head home, take a shower and get ready for bed. I put on Alli's tshirt that Grayson let me borrow the first night that I stayed with them.
   I wake up the next morning so exhausted. I grab some coffee and sit on the couch for a little bit while I text Alli. Still no updates but she says that the doctors are hoping to try to get her off the breathing machine in a few days. That has to be a good sign.
   Work is the same as usual. It isn't move in season so there isn't much to do in the office besides check emails and send emails if I have to. The end of the day finally comes and I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to vomit. I haven't seen my parents in 5 years.
I get to the cafe and I find a seat near the window. I order a small latte and wait patiently. Finally, I see them walk through the door. The don't look too different. I do notice though that my mom finally got glasses. I remember she always complained about not being able to see. They walk over and I stand up to greet them.
"Hi." Is all the words I can find in my brain apparently.
"Hello Hanna. I see you've changed your hair a bit. It looks nice." My mom compliments but in a monotone voice.
"Thanks. I just got it cut recently." I reply softly.
"We've missed you darling." My dad says and pulls me in for a hug. "Tell us how you've been. What are you doing with your life?" He asks.
"Well I work as a manager at an apartment complex. I do a lot of office work, and I help people move in and out. I enjoy it." I smile at them.
"So no college?" My mom asks. She always wanted me to go to college but I told her it wasn't really my thing.
"No, not yet. I've been thinking of maybe taking a class or two but I don't have much time these days." I say. "How have you guys been?" I ask both of them.
"Same old same old. You know us. Not much change. We re did the house a bit, but that's about all." My mom replies.
"That sounds good. I bet it looks wonderful." I say trying to lighten the mood.
"So, is there anyone special in your life at the moment?" My dad asks hesitantly.
"Are you sure you want to hear about my love life?" I ask. Partially because I'm not sure I know how to explain my situation.
"Of course we do." My father replies.
"Well...there is someone special. Technically there's two special someone's." I say this and they both look a bit confused. "I met this couple Alli and Grayson. They're amazing and caring and they both adore me very much and I do the same for them."
I wait for a response and I can tell my mom looks like she's going to explode but my dad doesn't seem too fazed.
"So you have not one but two girlfriends? And you're alright with this? They are as well?" My mom asks with a tone that isn't very nice.
"Honey, let her talk." My dad says to her. "They seem like two lovely woman especially if they're treating our little girl right. Would we be able to meet them?" He asks. My eyes widen. This just gets more and more confusing.
"Well at the moment uh—they aren't available. Alli might be but..." I pause as I try to hold my tears back. My dad notices and put a hand on my shoulder.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"About a week ago Grayson was in a car accident. It was pretty bad and she's been in a coma since then. That's why it took me a little while to respond to you guys. Everything's been really crazy." I look up to them with a few tears in my eyes and just thinking about it makes me want to breakdown all over again.
"Oh my—I'm so sorry honey. Is it a medically induced coma or no?" My mom asks. I'm surprised she's so concerned. She knows a good share of medical knowledge since she used to be a nurse.
"It's medically induced." I tell her.
"Well that's good. That means that they're doing everything they can. And the coma will help her body heal." My mom tells me and she comes around to my side of the table and sits next to me. My dad was usually always the more caring and affectionate parent.
"I know. It's just really scary." I cry through my words. "They're both great. I promise. I actually met them as I was showing them to their new apartment. We all got along really well and things just kinda fell into place."
"Well whenever you want us to we will be ready to meet both of them." My dad smiles. I'm so glad that they are both so accepting of all of this.
"I usually stop by the hospital for a few hours each night. Alli won't leave Grayson's side much so I do my best to make sure she eats." I say. "The nurses there probably hate me with the questions I ask everyday." I laugh.
"Would it be okay if we went with you tonight? We could at least meet Alli." My mom offers.
"Of course. Let me text her and make sure she's okay with us coming." I tell them and I shoot a text to Alli. She doesn't mind and we head to the hospital.

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