Ring shopping

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                          *Grayson's point of view*

   A month has gone by now and we've gotten into a bit of a good schedule. I finally started my new job and it has been wonderful. With the weather starting to get warmer the zoo is so much fun. My job is pretty much an assistant to people who take care of the animals. I help get food ready, clean tanks or cages if needed, and I get to interact with some animals as well. My favorite so far was helping do a live show with the otters. They're such cute animals and they're so nice. I did get a little wet that day but it was worth it.
   I get home and I am so tired. It's finally Friday and I have 2 days off to relax. Hopefully with Alli and a Hanna. Hanna did end up going back to her apartment after staying that night. Her ex-boyfriend apparently took all of his and moved out without leaving any kind of note or message. She wasn't complaining.
   She has spent a few nights here with us though since then. Most of them because we had too much to drink and no one could drive her home. I wasn't complaining. Each night like that usually ended with some sort of mature content if you know what I mean.
   Alli and I are still doing great. It still surprises me how much I continue to fall in love with her each day. There isn't a day or moment that goes by that I don't have a smile on my face because of something silly or adorable she did. She's recently starting the hobby of of baking. I enjoy the sweets but I really enjoy watching her make something 3 times because it didn't come out right the first try.
   Speaking of Alli, today I am going shopping. She keeps complaining that she doesn't have an apron so I'm going to find her the best apron I can buy. I head straight to mall after I get home and put my stuff in the house. I told Alli I needed to get something on my car looked at.
   I text Hanna and ask if she wants to meet at the mall to help me pick out a few things. She agrees and we meet at the front doors.
   "Hey cutie." She says from behind me startling me a bit.
   "Warn a person next time." I tease with a nudge as we walk into the mall. This place is huge. The first thing I notice is the pretzel stand and I have to grab one.
   "So what are you looking for?" Hanna asks me.
   "Mainly and apron for Alli. My little baker needs a good apron." I laugh.
   "Sounds fun. She made me a mini cheesecake the other day and it was so good!" She praises. Cheesecake is Hanna's favorite desert from what I've learned recently. She's obsessed.
   "I also wanted to try to find some good baking utensils. Like spoons and stuff. Is that what it's called?" I ask her with a small laugh.
   "I have no clue. But we will figure it out." She tells me as she pulls out her phone to check a notification. I see her eyes go wide and I can tell something is wrong.
   "What's wrong?" I ask.
   "Alli just texted me asking if I can go shopping with her...at the mall!" She replies frantically. Oh no.
   "Damn...I told her I was getting my car fixed! Okay how about you tell her you're already here...looking for something yourself and I'll go hide in a store somewhere." I try to think of a good plan for this. "I can find the stuff I need. I just don't want her to get suspicious." Knowing Alli is the worry wart.
   Hanna heads to the other side of the mall to meet up with Alli and I head the opposite direction to find a big store to browse in while they shop.

                            *Hanna's point of view*

   Grayson and I get our stuff situated and I head to the other entrance to meet Alli. Apparently she was already on her way so she should be here any minute. Hopefully this doesn't get too complicated.
   I see Alli walk in and I head her way with a wave. She sees me and her smile is so cute. She looks so hot. She's got on skinny jeans and one of Grayson's hoodies but it looks so good on her.
   "Hey! How are you beautiful?" I ask her as she hugs me. She's about an inch taller than me so I come to about her shoulders.
   "I've missed you." She replies still not letting go. Alli is definitely the more affectionate person out of the there of us. I don't usually like hugs but from her they're the best. We finally pull apart and head to the stores.
   "I missed you too babe." I laugh. She grabs my hand and we find our way through the crowd of people. "So was there something in particular that you needed?"
"Okay, so I'm gonna need your help with this one...I want to get a ring for Gray." She tells me.
"Awh. That's so sweet. You know I love shopping so this is gonna be fun!" I tell her. Now I just need to make sure we don't run into Grayson while we're here.
"Well she got to propose to me so I think it's only fair that I do the same. I've been secretly planning to for a while now but I finally got the chance while she's not home come buy a ring." She seems so excited and I'm so excited for them. The love that they share is so genuine and you can tell by only spending 10 minutes with them. Those two were destined to be together. I was worried when I came into the equation because I didn't want to mess anything up between them. But I can see now that nothing can do that and I'm happy I get to be a part of it.
We walked into the very large jewelry store and we both got immediately overwhelmed.
"Woah...I have no idea where to start." Alli says from beside me. Still hand in hand a sales associate comes up to us and asks us if we need any help.
"Yes actually, I'm looking for a ring for my fiancee, she isn't much of a jewelry person so I was thinking a hand but with small diamonds on it. Do you have anything like that?" She asks. The woman looks at her a bit odd since she thinks I am the fiancée. We still haven't decided how we want to tell other people about our relationship.
"Of course. Right this way." She replies and asks us over to one of the cases. We walk over and they are all so beautiful. Plenty of options.
"This one! This is perfect." Alli tells the lady. I'm surprised she finds one so fast. "What do you think? Do you think Gray would like this one?" She asks me.
"I think she would. It's not too big but not too small either. We both know that she doesn't like big things but is a little bit of a princess on the inside." I laugh. Gray would never admit it but she's a bit of a brand whore to put it best. She doesn't tell people she likes expensive things but we all know that she has certain brands that she prefers.
This ring in particular is a medium sized band, white gold, with diamonds halfway around the ring. We find the right size and head to the counter to check out.
Luckily we make it through the whole mall trip without running into Grayson. She texts me and tells me that she is on her way home and we will meet her there. Alli and I head to our separate cars and make our way back to their apartment.
Grayson and Alli are already there by the time I get there and are all set up for a movie and cuddle night. I love these nights. We pick out our favorite snacks, favorite movies, and lay in bed all night. It's such a relaxing way to end the long work week.
If you told me two months ago I would be cuddling in bed with 2 beautiful woman who adore me and each other I would laugh in your face. But now I can't imagine it any other way. We have such a unique relationship. We all have a relationship with each other as well. For example Alli and Gray are obviously head over heals for each other, Gray and I usually do something adventurous when we hang out and Alli and I like to have more of a stay-in and do nothing type of relationship. The one thing we all have in common is that we're all in agreement that we love having each other as company in a romantic way if that makes sense.
We don't need labels or experts to tell us how to define ourselves or our relationship. It is what it is and as long as we're all happy that's all that should matter. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them and I'm so grateful that they came into my life.

Note: Are you guys liking the addition of Hanna? I always love feedback on what I can do to add to the story or help make it more enjoyable for you all to read!

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