The New Girl

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                          *Grayson's point of view*

   Today is move in day. Finally. We've been staying in the hotel for a little over a week now. It was the soonest they had an apartment open and available for us to move into. We didn't mind. It gave us some time to explore the city and find new jobs in the area. Alli did decide to go back to the same place we used to work at. She called and told them her experience, had a short interview and she starts next week. I on the other hand found a job at the Seattle zoo. It's a bit of a drive but it pays well and I love animals.
   All of our stuff should be here today. Both of our cars are supposed to get here around 3 p.m and the truck with all of the big furniture should be here around 1 p.m. It's a little past 11 right now and Alli and I are headed to main office of the building to pick up our keys.
   We walk in and Hanna is there. She looks nice today. Her hair is up in a pony tail and she's wearing a band T-shirt with dress pants. Never knew that combo could work but it does for her. She immediately recognizes us and greets us both with a hello and a flirty smile like last time. She hands us the keys and we head to the apartment.
   We open the door and we set the few bags we have with us down. The lighting in here is amazing. The sun shining in makes it so warm and it feels so cozy.

*Alli's point of view*

Wow. It feels bigger than I remember." Grayson says to me walking into the kitchen.
   "Yeah. A little bit. It'll feel more like home once we have all of our furniture here." I reply to her.
   "I miss my car..." The woman next to me says randomly.
   "Your car will be here soon baby." I laugh at her. I don't know what it is with her and that car. She's obsessed. I'm surprised she's gone this long without it.
   We take another walk through the place and then head out onto the balcony. I shut the door behind us and we stand next to the railing.
   "It's such a nice view. This is what I've always dreamed of." My fiancée says.
   "I'm glad you have your dream view." I reply to her.
   "Not just the view. All of this. The place, the job, the happiness and most importantly you." She turns to me and pulls me into her. She warps her arms around me from behind and her warmth gives me butterflies. "You are what I have always dreamed of. You have shown me love I never knew was possible. You have never given up on me or my dreams. We may have little arguments here and there but you have loved me through everything. Even after I broke up with you and broke your heart. You still said yes to marrying me and becoming my wife. That was my dream and now it's my reality." She finishes. How did I get so lucky?
   "You have no clue how much I love you. I would give anything to make you happy Grayson." I turn around in her arms to face her. "You are my dream as well cutie pie." I tell her with a small kiss on her nose.
   We continue to stand and watch literally nothing besides the beauty of the earth until it gets a little chilly. We head inside and wait for the movers to her here. They finally do and we get everything into the apartment and start to set up the living room.
   "Babe, I really think the couch would look better on the wall next to the door. Then you have a view of the kitchen and outside." Grayson tries to convince me. I think it should go on the other wall but she insists.
   "Fine. But I get to set up the bedroom." I tell her finally. I kind of do agree on where she thinks the couch should go but I don't want to tell her that she's right. She gets so cocky when I tell her she's right about something.
   "Of course. Anything for you lovely." She walks away and comes back with a tape measure. I assume she's measuring for the furniture but I just let her do her thing. When it comes to fixing things she's pretty good at that stuff. Me on the other hand, I can't be trusted with a hammer.
   A little later in the day and both of our cars have safely made it here. Grayson goes straight to hers and spends about 30 minutes making sure nothing is messed up or broken. Very paranoid but if it makes her happy.
   I see Hanna walk out of the office and walk towards Grayson's car. Interested I walk over as well. I beat Hanna there by a second so I'm there when she gets there.
   "Wow. Looks nice. This yours?" She asks Gray.
   "Yeah. It is. My pride and joy." Grayson exaggerates. Hanna laughs a bit.
   "She loves this car. I gotta admit thought it is a pretty cool car. Electric, and fast." I pitch in.
   "Well you'll have to give me a ride sometime." Hanna says in her flirtatious voice of hers. I wonder if she just always talks in that voice?
   "Yeah. Of course. I don't think Gray would mind at all." I answer knowing she wouldn't mind. That woman of mine loves showing off her car. "We're actually not doing much right now if you want to go for a ride?" I offer of the both of them. Gray looks at me a little skeptical but I give her the 'go with it' look.
   "Sounds like fun. I just got off and I don't have anything to do so might as well." Hanna tells us. Being the so not jealous fiancée I let Hanna sit in the front with Gray. The front seat is the best seat in the car for showing off speed.
   We get going down the road and we find an empty rod that no one usually drives on. Gray gets ready to launch the car. I'm prepared for it since she's shown me multiple times but I don't think the woman in the passenger seat is. I laugh a bit to myself.
   Gray hits the gas and we're off. I notice that as the car goes Hanna has the nerve to grip onto MY fiancées thigh. Who does this woman think she is? Does she not think I exist back here? I watch Grays reaction when she does that and she didn't seem bothered.
We keep driving for a bit around Tacoma and Hanna tells us more about herself and we tell her more about us. So far we've learned that she grew up in Florida but moved here when she was 18, she loves to go hiking, and she drives a Jeep Wrangler. Typical lesbian qualities but I still can't quite tell.
Gray pulls up to the parking lot to drop Hanna off at her car and I have a great idea.
"Hey, if you're not busy why don't you come by to our place for dinner some night?" I suggest. Why not get to know the mystery girl that keeps eyeing my fiancée.
"Of course!" She replies way too enthusiastically. "I'm not busy tomorrow night if you guys are okay with that?" I look over at Gray to see what she thinks and she still a bit stunned by all of it but agrees that tomorrow works for us. It'll give us time to get the apartment in good looking shape and unpack.
"Sounds good. See you tomorrow!" I reply with a wave and get back in the car so we can head back to our own apartment.
"What was that for?" The brunette next to me asks. Not in a rude tone just a questioning way.
"What? She seems nice. And I would like to get to know what her intentions are." I tell her.
"Intentions? What kind of intentions?"
"I saw the way she grabbed your thigh in the car baby. Honestly I found it a little bit hot." I can't believe those words came out of my mouth to be honest. But I would be lying if I said otherwise.
"I barely even noticed. found it hot? Like me hot or her hot?" She questions skeptically.
"Both. You can't deny that you don't find he attractive and I would be lying if I said I didn't either. She's obviously into both of us so why not test it out?" I blurt out hoping she doesn't find it weird.
"She is. Anyone would be blind not to see it. How do you assume we test it out so to speak?" Gray asks me. We walk into the apartment and sit on the couch. It's the only piece of furniture that's actually in one piece at the moment.
"We invite her for dinner, maybe desert, and see what happens." I suggest.
A few months into our relationship we had a vague discussion about if either one of us would ever be open to having a threesome. We both were open to it, it just never happened. We never really found the right person but we both seem to like Hanna and she seems to like us too.
We spend the rest of the evening putting everything together and unpacking as much as we can for tonight. The bedroom is most of the way set up and so far it looks good. It's still missing a few decorations to make it feel like home but so far I like it. The bed is in the middle of the wall farthest from the front door. There is a small end table on each side of the bed. And we hung a few posters on the wall. Grayson of course has to have her Tesla poster and her Twenty one pilots painting as well. I myself hung up a Gilmore Girls poster and a few paintings I found in a local art store I found the other day while we explore Seattle a bit. One of them is the skyline, another one is two otters holding hands, and the third is very colorful but I have no idea what it's supposed to be.
I lay down in bed and a few moments later I feel someone lay behind me and kiss my neck. Gray snuggles into me more and we drift off to sleep.

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