Proper Hello

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                        *Graysons point of view*
As the guy named Peter...I think that's his name, talks about the job, and the station, I zone out and my mind wanders back to Alli. I know I shouldn't be thinking about her but I can't help it. Her hair, red like ariels from the little mermaid. Her smile that could light up a whole room, and her adorable laugh in between sentences. I can tell already I'm in for trouble. Speaking of the devil.
"Hey Alli! How's everything going today?" Peter says very enthusiastically. He seems like the 'I hate my job but I pretend I love it' type of person.
"Everything going great! Hey everybody. Just checking in to see how the first day is going for everyone." Alli says without skipping a beat. She must do this a lot.
As she looks around the group her eyes find mine. For a few seconds, which seemed like minutes we just kinda stared at each other. Her lips turned up into a small smile before she turned to talk to Peter about something. Sam makes me so happy but I haven't felt butterflies like this in such a long time. I feel like such a horrible person for feeling like this when I have a wife that is in the same building.
As I go back to trying to figure out the machine I'm working on I think back on the relationship Sam and I have. We've been married for 2 years. We got married right after high school but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. We were so in love. She was in school and I was working wherever I could to make money. We started off as long distance but after a few months I moved closer to her college once she graduated so we could be together. I found a job that made enough money for bills and we were happy.
As the years went on after we got married the romance died down and the small arguments started. It would start off with little things like who did the dishes last or who left the bathroom light on. Then it turned into bigger arguments about money, and jobs, and we spent some nights falling asleep mad at each other which I always told myself I would never do. Each time we would just pretend nothing happened the next morning. I still love her with all of my heart but I don't know if I am still in love with her like I used to be. I can picture her in my life but I don't know if it's as my wife. Ugh, just thinking about it is stressing me out.
"You okay over here?" Alli asks startling me out of my thoughts. "You look deep in thought, everything working the right way?"
"Yeah, I'm alright, I just sometimes doze off into my own mind I guess" I say to her with a light chuckle trying not to be too nervous. "How about you, how's your day been so far?" I try to say without seeming to nervous or weird.
   "My days been good seeing as it just started. Thank you for asking." She says again with those adorable laughs in between. "If you ever need any help, just ask. I'll be around here somewhere. Have any friends in the building?" She continues while standing in front of me.
   "Yeah, my wife actually is working a few stations over. We both started today." I say trying to fidget with the items in front of me but also not seem like I'm not interested in the conversation.
   Alli pauses for a moment and her smile turns into a  big of a frown. But why? Did I say something wrong?  "That's awesome!" She says trying to be enthusiastic about it but I can tell she's not. I let it go and get back to work as we say our goodbyes and end the conversation.
   Thinking back on the conversation, maybe it was that I mentioned Sam? Was she bothered by the fact that I'm married? Or that it's to a woman? We literally just met this morning.
   As the day goes on it seems like the day is dragging along and I am so excited for lunch because I am starving. For anyone who knows me, knows I love food. I can be picky sometimes but if I'm hungry enough it doesn't matter what it is. As long as it's edible.
   Finally! 12:00 hits and it's time for lunch! Sam and I meet up and head to the car to eat lunch. They have a lunch room here but we both don't really like sitting with other people. In the back of my mind I'm kinda wondering where Alli eats lunch usually and if I would run into her again today. I seriously need to get her out of my brain! Ugh.
"How's your day been so far? Mines been pretty boring." Sam asks me as we get in the car and get our lunches out. I brought some Italian style wraps and she brought homemade stir fry.
"It's been pretty good so far. Everyone seems really nice." I reply to her.
"Yeah. I agree. I'm not sure how I feel about that girl Alli though. She seems a bit cocky. And the hair? It's way too bright." Sam tells me as I try to not seem bothered by the comment. What is wrong with her hair? I personally think it's gorgeous. But I would never tell Sam that.
"I think it looks nice." I say as I hand her a Gatorade from the lunch bag.
   "Of course you do." I can tell she said that with a tone in her voice of jealousy. I hate when she does that. She thinks that every girl I look at I find attractive.
   "What is that supposed to mean? I really don't want to argue so can we just forgot it." I try to reason with her because I'm so tired of arguing these days. It's gotten pretty bad recently and I'm just so over it.
   "If that's what you want Grayson." She says. I can tell by her voice and the fact that she used my full name that she's upset about it. All I did was say her hair looked nice. I didn't know that was a crime. We sat for the rest of our lunch in silence and parted ways for the rest of the day.
   I'm walking to the restroom on my way back to work, while trying to clock in from my phone. Not paying attention to where I'm walking I run right into someone as we both almost fall over.
   "Oh my god-I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking-" I try to say as the voice stops me.
   "It's totally fine, I promise. It was partly my fault too. I was in a rush and I didn't look before turning the corner." The beauty in front of me says. I finally look up and it's only my luck...Alli.

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