Because she is punished to love a rapist, just like the one who had his way with her.
Because he is punished to choose a victim, a reminder of the same thing that he did to his brother.
And both unaware of it...

There shine three options before me.
To have them both disposed and move away with my Madhav.
To tell them both their truths, watch the resulting chaos and then move away with my Madhav.
To let them be, ignorant and happy in their squalid existence and move away with my Madhav.

I wonder about my choice when Madhav arrives, his face drained and beautiful, ethereally hurt. He has just cried, an iron stake tears away at my ribs when I see his eyes.

I will get you for doing this to him....

Sakshi, trembling and crying holds his shoulders, "Madhav I was going to tell you soon... trust me... I..."
"We talked about this. We knew if it ever happened, I would be broken because you chose him again. Because he... he has never been a big brother to me... he never cared... but I told you that I would not stand in between you and your love.... only if you tell Me first.... you said it would never happen... you said you would never forgive him... I believed you, I believed every word at the farmhouse... I was a fool.... I guess you both really belong together...." he smiles.
My insides melt into lava, his smile is beautiful pain, he is breaking inside. I cannot take it. A dull hammer strikes inside my skull, I remember this feeling, I know what this metallic buzz in my ear is, I stuff my trembling fists into my pocket.

"Madhav I... please I know I should have..."
"It is ok Sakshi. I shouldn't have expected much from you..." he turns to him, "congratulations brother. You won again."
Sakshi looks around in confusion, tears flowing free, she senses something deeper that she doesn't understand, everything is falling again. She looks at me, asking for help, I promptly turn away.

"Aarav I'm waiting in the car outside." he leaves.
Sakshi runs to me, "Aarav... Aarav please tell him, Aarav help me explain it to him.... it was all so quick... I never meant to hide it..."
"I think it would be for the best if you don't visit us for a while."

I don't wait for her to complete her excuses. She disgusts me.
She doesn't posses an ounce of strength.
Madhav is so innocent... he idolised someone so weak... but I hope he knows that he didn't go wrong with me.
That I'm not weak.
That I'm not like them.

He says nothing.
He stares numbly, into the distance.

It is when we enter our room that he breaks down, he hugs me and sobs into my chest. It is the most heartbreaking sound I have ever heard. It is not even a cry, it is as if something in him has broken irreparably.
"Why Aarav why? Why does this always happen to me?"
I have no answer. The equation wasn't supposed to render me speechless, it has shifted now, Sakshi has pulled it beyond equilibrium into a dark warp.
"He is happy... did you see him? He is free... while I... I..." he coughs harshly, his voice is shredding away, "He goes unpunished while I... I suffer... I... why Sakshi..." he sobs and sobs.

He falls due to sheer exhaustion...
And I know,
This is only the beginning.

Days pass.....

Everyday he wakes up, sullen and angry. There is something dark about him, a hopelessly ugly defeatism. His sparkling beauty has been sullied with anger.

It baffles me. It enrages me.
I gained someone so beautiful.
So incredibly precious
And now it is gone because of him.

Abhinav Verma.
The name is a piece of burning glass on my tongue.

Madhav flings a vase at the wall. He has lost his voice due to all the crying. He refuses to eat much. He sleeps fitfully. He doesn't laugh. He doesn't let me touch him. His hair falls dull and limp on his shoulders. His eyes are red rimmed and dim....

Whistle over the waves. {BXB} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now