Pines 27

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'GO'  by Rueth

Why do I stay when I want to go?
Is it because I have hope?
Or maybe it is because I don't want to be alone.

I stay and all I do is complain.
Complain that I might be going insane.
Insane of the thought that it might be my fault.

But who is to blame?
Is it me or is it him?
Neither one of us will go.

Although we know we must go,
All we do is ignore the pain
Of all the words we exchange.

I know I must go, but I don't know.
If I go, I will be alone.
But why do I stay?
Only to hear him say,
"You're to blame for all my unhappiness and pain."

I know I'm not to blame for the choices he has made.
So I stay, hoping he will grow,
Grow in love and be consoled knowing I will never go.


The rest of the day, they spent their time with making love, they lost count the first round but Tine's sore ass could be evidence how many time Sarawat took Tine last night, and after they lacking energy they finally slept. In the morning Sarawat had to carry Tine who was still asleep to see the sunrise. He didn't have the heart to wake him up because his boyfriend looked tired from the activities they were doing, so he only woke up Tine when they were on the beach.

"Wake up love, you don't want to miss the sunrise do you?" Said Sarawat to his lover's ear, made Tine woke up and rubbed his eyes. The ray of the light dazzled his sight. They were now sitting on the sand which was covered with soft blue cloth, Tine sat leaning on Sarawat's chest while Sarawat rested his chin on Tine's hair and occasionally kissed Tine's crown head inhaling Tine's soft smell.

"I like my smell on you, it feels domestic but I like your own smell better, it's intoxicating," Said Sarawat who once again smelled Tine's hair. Tine didn't reply, he was busy playing with his boyfriend's finger on his stomach. Silent ruled them. the warm sunrise warmed the atmosphere, so were their heart and their love.

"Why you love me?" Tine asked Sarawat had no idea his lover would ask him something like that. He didn't know how to answer it because he just didn't know why he fell in love with his lover.

"I don't know the answer to your question but from the first time we met, that day when you help me to treat my wound, I look straight at your face then your eyes, I felt like you suck my breath out of my lung, my heart beats weirdly, it was irregular, I felt weird but joy for the same time, like I found an oasis in the dry desert, quenching my thirst as I sipped its water. Like the cherry blossoms that bloom in the spring, there is a sense of joy when the petals fall on the palm of your hand, you don't want the flowers to fall and stay still on its branches but you can't stop them because the falling petals also give pleasure to your heart in-season fall. Like you, you are the oasis and cherry blossom petals which all I need and I can't help but to fall in love with you" Sarawat explained.

Tine listened to every word that came out of Sarawat carefully, he heard every breath that his lover took synchronized with the pulse of Sarawat that he felt in his finger, and it was sincere, he found no makeup sentence in every word he chooses, there were no lies because he only felt love. And deep, deep down in his heart he felt fear for the first time. Sarawat felt that Tine held his hand tighter after he had finished answering his lover's question and only then could Sarawat know that his lover loved him as much as he did so he stopped him from asking the same thing because he already knew the answer.

Time passed, the sun already rises perfectly on the sky, illuminating the earth and showing the perfect blue sky so the blue ocean, each of them combined into a beautiful scenery. It was a perfect morning for both Sarawat and Tine, and they would always save it in their folder on his memory with the label 'A Beautiful memory'.

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