Pines 34

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I have free time, so I decided to update. and for you to know I like angst. but I hate sad ending. but I don't know. 5555555


Sarawat ran for his dear life, He looks messy with white culottes and a shabby white shirt, visible bloodstains on the sleeves and the hem of his pants. He passed several palace maids who looked horrified at what they saw, the prince ran over holding broken glass and blood on his hands and feet. They gaped and ran to tell the queen.

On the other hand, Sarawat did not care about what was happening around him, didn't care about his sore feet or glass flake that was still stuck in his skin, even he didn't feel the pain, all he cared about was Tine, longing for his lover, the question of why his lover was here in the first place made him worry, meeting his father was last he expected but why was he here. what if his father hurt Tine for his sake, what if Tine got hurt and he didn't want that to happen, he won't let it happen.

The wide door appeared before him, heavily guarded by two guards, Sarawat hastened his pace. The guards who saw him immediately prepared to stop him. But they were taken aback and made their steps stopped at the moment.

"Open the door now, or I will slit my throat, I don't care ..." he hissed, the guard hesitated to open it, they calculated every risk that would occur, if he opened the door, the king would be very angry but if he prevented the prince from entering, seen from his current condition, the prince was very serious about his threat, if the prince was threatened with his life it would cause even more serious problems which beyond their imagine. So they decided, they bow and paved the way for the prince and let the prince open the door himself.

Sarawat ran to the door, dropped the broken glass he had used to threaten the guards, grabbed the doorknob and opened it impatiently. The door swung open made the peoples who occupied it turned to him. Sarawat eyes searched for Tine who now sit on the sofa, looked at him terrified, the blood was too obvious to ignore.

"Let's go?" Sarawat walked closer to Tine and pulled him up. Tine startled at first but success in compose himself.

"Where are your manner Prince?" The King hissed, feel insulted with his son behaviour. Sarawat still ignoring him and pulled Tine again to walk out but Tine seemed not moving. Sarawat tried again but Tine didn't budge. Then he turned to Tine in disbelief.

"Love", The king cringed at Sarawat called his lover with a nickname, he seemed to forget that the elder still there looked at him.

"At least show your respect, your professor is here," The King said again, reminded Sarawat to behave. Sarawat little bit shocked, he didn't know that his father's lover also in the same room, he then turned to Mr Tawan and gave a respectable wai.

"I'm sorry Prof" Sarawat apologized and added, "May I take your Son for a moment, I need to...".

Mr Tawan then stood up and button his coat "I'm worried we can't your highness" Mr Tawan answered Sarawat then turned to the King "Your majesty, seem there is nothing to talk anymore, I have to go" Mr Tawan asked for permission and extended his ha...

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Mr Tawan then stood up and button his coat "I'm worried we can't your highness" Mr Tawan answered Sarawat then turned to the King "Your majesty, seem there is nothing to talk anymore, I have to go" Mr Tawan asked for permission and extended his hand for a handshake, the King shook back.

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