Special Pines: Type Q & A

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A/N: I don't where to place this part in the story so instead I make it a special chapter. I don't know you would like it or not but please give me your opinion. Thank you


Hello Mr Type, Thank you for sparing your busy time for us. Are you ready for the QNA ?

Type : More than ready, and please be quick because I have to attend an important meeting with the King.

Okay, the first question, Is it really that hard to be the king's, right-hand man? how do you manage it? And what is the toughest job you have ever carried while serving the prince who is now King?

Type : To be honest this job is not that hard, I'm used to seeing my father since childhood while serving King Singto. Being a servant of the king was an honourable and important duty. Serving the king is the same as serving the people. I enjoy doing it even though it's not an easy job. Very thrilling and challenging. But I can manage it. The hardest job to do is when I have to choose. Choose the most suitable way of the best. Like nine years ago when I chose to accept Tine's offer to help him break up with Sarawat. That day when I saw my best friend crawling on the ground, calling Tine nonstop, crying so hard, abuse himself...but... I couldn't do anything because I also took part in that plan and caused his suffering. My heart was broken to see it too but at that time it was the best choice not because I support the King, but one of my jobs is to calculate, calculate the possibilities that will happen and then compared to the power that the king and the people had, and unfortunately at that time the prince hasn't had enough power and I didn't want his crown to be threatened and caused major destruction to the Kingdom. I know I was wrong, and one day I will admit my mistake to my best friend. You know, every day after that incident I always pray to God to forgive me for betraying my best friend and also pray that one day the two of them will be together again, and when that time comes, Sarawat already has enough strength and I will do whatever it takes to keep them together this time. And thanks to God, HE already set the right time, the two of them met again in perfect timing. I'm relieved.

We understand it was a difficult choice. I'm sure the King will forgive you Mr. Type, I know that time was not easy for both of you, and you were suffering too.

Type nodded slowly and sipped his mineral water.

Mr Type could you describe how is love between King Sarawat and doctor Tine?

Messy but beautiful

That's it?

Type nodded. That's how I describe their love.

Related to your statement in the last chapter that you don't date and not planing to date in the future, could you tell me why is it like that?

Before I answer, I want to ask if this interview will be published? Could the king and everyone related to me read it?

Yes, the interview will be published only to the readers, not the Kingdom.

Ok, then I'll answer your question.


I Have my own reason why I don't have a plan to date or marriage, not that because I won't but more like I can't. I can't love someone else besides him. Yes...I fell in love with a forbidden man, an engaged man. P'Tharn. He is smart but annoying with every single word against mine, it irritates me. He has a positive vibe and I like it, the more you talk with him you will know that he is a wise man, he never angry, the important is he has dignity, an honourable man, suit his job. He is soft, handsome, sexy with every muscle of him that pop out, especially on the hands. I'm also a man but not that muscular like him. I knew I was doom when the first time he took me to my mother's grave. When I looked at his eyes my heart beating irregularly for the first time and that wasn't good sign. After that, I often meet him accidentally or by plan and then we became closer. We often played tennis. He already has fiance, P'Mook. A beautiful woman with beauty heart, very gentle and kind, and I knew I could never beat her, they are a perfect couple. I have zero chance with P'Tharn. I often said Sarawat dumb but the reality I'm dumber (He laughs at himself).

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