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COINCIDENCE. In the world, there are two types of human beings. The first one believes that coincidences exist and the second one believes that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Me? Of course I'm the second, what kind of stupid human would believe that coincidence exists. I think everything that happens to us is fate. It is impossible for God to create humans without a clear purpose and destiny, I mean God has arranged all the life that will happen to us even before we were born in the world. Isn't it?.

Okay then, there is question. if God has arranged our lives even we are born, how to explain the existence of good and bad people, why doesn't God make everyone good?.Honey please, God has indeed created what kind of destiny our life will be, but God always gives us a choice about what to choose and that choice will determine what our destiny will be. Because of what? Because we are given a mind to think. Destiny is relative to the path of life you choose.

But there is destiny that is absolute and we cannot change it or avoid it no matter how hard we try to avoid it. A MATE. and In this life I've tried to change that destiny, avoid it, even throw it away, I swear I tried my hardest, but still. The harder we try to push each others, it makes us fell into the hell of endless suffering.


So, let's take a look at the story of my life that the author will tell. And for you author please write my story properly, I will interrupt you halfway if you write a story that doesn't match what I have told you. Don't forget, I'm watching you.

The Prince's LoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя