Pines 40

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Hi everyone, happy weekend..


"His Majesty, The King"

The MC announce King's Arrival and makes all audiences stand on their feet and bow when the King entered the room. Tine too, immediately bowed his head, give respect to the king. As soon as the MC announced the king's arrival he turned his head away, not looking at the door of the king's arrival at all. His temperature rose in fear, what happened when the King meet him again? was he still angry? was nine years enough to get rid of his anger? Could we act like we never know each other?. There were too many questions in Tine's head, All long-running thought in his head made he didn't realize that everyone was back standing properly again.

"dr Tine" one of his colleague next to him whispered and nudged him. Tine who realized immediately stand up straight and looked straight to the podium.

and what he saw now shocked him even more. His fear turned into panic. He freezes on the spot, like a river in winter, its minus temperatures instantly freeze it. frozen and cold.

The person who is currently standing on the podium and preparing to give a speech is none other than his ex-boyfriend, Sarawat, isn't the MC early announces that the King who entered the conference room, not Sarawat, what in the hell happened, where is King Singto. According to Tine, meet the King is far better than the Prince. It's easier for Tine to control his emotion when meeting the King but the Prince, could he?. Let's hope that only the team leader who gonna speak to the Prince. Tine Wish, but turned out the wish just a wish because somehow fate just too cruel and not let him slide too easy.

"Good morning everyone" Sarawat greeted all peoples inside the room. Very calm and he didn't forget to put on his genuine smile, which made the audiences who feel nervous early turn relieve.

"I am Sarawat Vachiravit Ruangroj, as the king of this country, I would like to thank the team of doctors for the willingness to help me and treat my wife, the queen. and I hope the treatment will go well". Sarawat stops for a moment to look at the audiences, he wanted to convey to the doctors in front of him that he was sincerely asking for help, then he continues, "I hope a lot from the experts in front of me. I don't understand about medic so, I would love to hear the extent of my wife's illness and the treatment plan that will be carried out. Thank you". With that King, King Sarawat ends his speech, and let MC take over again.

Tine feels something struck in his chest, somehow he feels hurt, So the MC didn't mistaken early for calling the King early and its address to Sarawat?, Since when did the prince ascend the throne? he never knows, or the truth is he doesn't want to know. Of all cases in the world why he had to take the case, he slightly regrets his decision, but he couldn't back down.

After Tine finishing his last study he promised himself that every time he agreed to take the cases he would find the best way to treat the patients to the end and work on its cure. And he didn't want to disappoint his professor who gives him this opportunity, even though after knowing who the patient he doesn't know if it's an opportunity or not. Hope God will show him some mercy.

In this monarch, the crown prince didn't have to wait until the King before die first then ascending the throne. The rulers agrees to set the new rule after the last bloody tragedy they experience in the past. When the crown prince reaches his 33rd birthday, he has to take the throne but the throne can be passed to the next kin when the crown prince is physically or mentally disabled. and for the previous King and the Queen, they have to move to the north palace, at another province, away from the main palace and could enjoy his retirement in peace and prevent the previous King from meddling with the current reign.

For two years Sarawat led his country and most of the people were satisfied and lived up to their expectations. He is a good ruler, have a powerful vision, He has highly effective communication skills and encourage his nation to fight for their rights and most importantly their freedom, his background in law makes him careful in making decisions or regulations so that it is relevant with the culture of the people in his country and does not harm them. Sarawat always prioritizes the welfare of his peoples, he is truly a wise king and a lot of peoples love him.

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