Pines 11

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I watched Blacklist and found them so cute, so I decide to cast them. I think Prim has similar face with Bright. little bit of their story is okay right, because if I write just Bright Win, I think It will be monoton. and sorry to not update daily because I am quite busy these days with my job as health worker and quite difficult to manage the time to write.


Bright and Winnie looked as if they were talking to each other in horse language, their heads occasionally touching to seek each other's attention as if they didn't want to be defeated by their owners who were lying on the grass, seducing each other.

Tine lay on his back with his right hand as a cushion while Sarawat lay on his side with his left hand supporting his head facing Tine while his right index finger had been busy touching Tine from forehead, nose, lips to his chin, their eyes locked at each other.

"I was so scared when you walked away from me earlier, you took all the oxygen here, making me unable to breathe.... I thought I was the only one who fell in love".

"Nope," Tine touched Sarawat's cheek softly then lifted his head to peck Sarawat lips "Your face has invaded my mind since the first time we met and I never not think about you every day. Your stupid face always bothers me all the time. "Tine kissed Sarawat's lips again, this time Sarawat kissed him back, he held Tine's back head to deepen his kiss, Tine's lips opened as well as Sarawat, their lips danced together syncing to the rhythm created by the wind and pine leaves, feeling each other's love, too deep. Without breaking the kiss, Tine now stood on his knees then sat on Sarawat's lap with his legs wrapped around Sarawat, he held Sarawat's head with both hands while Sarawat held his waist. Tine moaned as Sarawat started to kiss his neck then turned to his ear before returning to his lips. A kiss that should only be a light kiss in an instant turned into a make out session.

Hot and intense.

They released each other lips, gasping. then looked at each other. chuckled.

"I think I found a new addiction," Sarawat said, raising Tine's eyebrows.

"Kissing you ... my addiction ..." Sarawat teased, made Tine blushed "I'm addicted to your beautiful lips, very soft and sweet" Sarawat stroked Tine's lips with his thumb then brought his lips closer, wanting to enjoy Tine's lips again. Sarawat and Tine closed their eyes. when the distance between their lips was less than an inch, the horse brayed loudly stopping their activity. They opened their eyes then looked at each other laughing. "Looks like they are jealous of us," Tine said.

"Yes, it seems. Huft ... I want to be like this forever, I want to be with you longer, "said Sarawat while joining his forehead with Tine.

"Me too, but looks like we have to go back, Type will get mad and drag you if he sees us in this position, we still have plenty of times together".

"That friend of, his hobby is being mad at me" Sarawat sighed "I want to hate him so bad, but I can't, he's my best friend and I love him so much" Sarawat pouted and smiled again when Tine kissed his lips.

Tine stood up and held out his hand "come on". Sarawat took Tine's hand and they walked together toward their horse, back to the ranch.

"Phi Type,... Phi Type... wait" Prim ran, calling Type who was walking beside Sarawat while chatting, approaching the royal car that was waiting in front of him, it seemed like Type didn't hear her then she called him again with a louder voice. "Phi Type ..."

Type turns to see Prim running around the palace followed by his assistant who ran after her, asking her not to run.

"Prim, don't run, you'll fall," Type said shouting a little.

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