Magic Is Not Real Pt. 2

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"Oi who is 'dis?"

"Mr. Constantine, my name is (Y/n) Wayne and I have a proposition for you. Now before you hang up please know that you will be paid handsomely."

"Look, whoever ya are, I'm not interested. And how did ya get my number?"

"Mr. Constantine please, you know about the other side, my brother...he doesn't have much time. His soul was taken, but not completely. I need your help, please."

The man groans in frustration, "Alright. Send me the address."

"Just go to the airport and tell them your name, everything has been taken care of."

"No need, I've got my own way of transportation. I'll be 'der."

Hanging up the phone I rub my temples then open my messages and text Constantine the address. Damian is still on life support but we've moved him into his own room so to avoid bringing Constantine into the Bat Cave.

"He's on his way," I say. "Says he has his own mode of transportation."

"Two things; one: how do you know this guy?"

"I don't know him personally, I found him in Father's computer. He encountered Constantine once along with Zatanna."

"Okay, now two: how did you arrange for his transport initially?"

"I ordered a private jet."

"Bruce is going to see the dent in his checkbook for that private jet. I thought you didn't want him to know."

"He didn't pay, I did. Father's not the only one with money in this family, but apparently there's no need for it so I'll have it cancelled."

Dick turns his attention from Damian to me for a moment scanning me over. I was focused on getting that flight cancelled and ordering a check for a sum amount of money. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Dick crossing his arms over his chest in deep thought.


"Nothing just...I've never seen you act like this before."

"Acting like what...? Oh I see."

"(Y/n) even you know the way you're acting is strange. I mean when have you ever called Bruce 'Father'? That's what Damian calls him. I just feel like..."

"You feel like you don't know me," I finish his sentence while sighing. "Dick there are things about me, about my past, that you don't know about and I didn't want you to find out because I'm not proud of my past. Like Damian, we are not ordinary little children. But right now, I don't have time to explain everything, right now we have to save Damian."

He squints his eyes before sighing heavily then walking over to the chair I was sitting in. He picks me up and sits me in his lap like he did earlier that day.

"I'm sorry," he says. "Everything is just happening so fast that I over analyze things. I know, I've always known you had a past, though I assume you're not ready to tell me. But it's alright, let's just work on getting him back."

"Alright," I nod. "Now, Fa—Daddy doesn't believe in magic but this is something on a spiritual scale. Remember when I said that I saw something lurking about, that was it. The demon that took his soul, I believe it's grandfather."

"Ra's al Ghul?"


"But how?"

The monitors hooked up to Damian begin going haywire as he starts to flail around against the restraints.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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