Magic Is Not Real Part 1

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"This is childish," Damian crosses his arms.

"Oh come on this is going to be fun!"

"You are too easily amused," he pinches my cheek.

"Hey!" I swat him.

"Come on guys," Dick separates us, "no fighting. We are here to have a good time while Bruce is away, and I don't want him to come back to see you two bruised up."

"He's going to see that anyway after you two—"

"Hush now, come on let's have some fun."

Dick leads us through the local fair towards the midway where we play multiple games of chance for silly prizes, which Damian wasn't amused by, but he participates none the less. Then there are small rides that really aren't safe, but that's what makes them more fun! Dick mentions stories of when he was in the circus and how sometimes they would lease out rides and he would sneak onto them just before he would perform.

While he and Damian play the ring toss game I notice out of the corner of my eye a shadow standing off in the distance behind one of the stands. The amber glow of his eye focuses in our direction, but following his line of sight, he had his eyes set on Damian. I take a step in the shadow's direction, but his form vanishes in thin air.

"What?" I whisper.

A hand places itself on my shoulder and I instantly grab the wrist and twist it out of instinct.

"Ah (Y/n)! What's the matter with you?!" Damian rips his wrist from my grasp.

"S-sorry, I just...I thought I saw something."

"What did you see?" Dick kneels next to me.

I look back over to the cart where I saw the shadow but it was long gone.

"I-I don't know. Maybe I just had too much cotton candy."

"I told you eating this junk was going to make you sick," Damian scolds.

"Maybe, but it was worth it," I give a weak smile.

"It is getting late, maybe we should head home. I've got work tonight."

"Aww already?" I pout.

"Yes, come on they are going to close in about an hour and it's a good idea to beat the traffic."

Both Damian and I nod then gather our prizes and follow him towards the exit. On the way out I see a Fortune Teller stand and I tug Dick's arm.

"Dick, can I go in there before we leave."

"Fortune teller?" Damian scoffs. "You know that magic isn't real and that's just a waste of money and time."

"Come on Damian, just try it."

"Pfft, will you leave me alone for the next couple of days?"

"One day, I'll even go easy on you when we play Overwatch tomorrow."


I clap my hands while dragging Damian with me towards the tent with Dick in tow. The moment we step into the tent I immediately feel a heaviness in my chest, but I refuse to let it show in my expression. Behind a crystal ball was a woman dressed in what I could assume was a fortune teller's attire, she honestly looked more like a witch. There was a dark gleam in her eye as her lips twitch into a cat-like grin.

"Welcome curious children to Madame Malantha. Please sit down."

"What fortune can you tell us?" I ask.

She motions to a small cauldron look alike signaling that she would like payment first. Dick pays for both me and Damian then she extends her hands towards both of us.

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