Not Broken

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No Damian in this, sorry :(

Not Broken

Pushing against Jason, Tim grabbed him by his jacket yelling, "You're not evil! You're not broken!"

Shifting his eyes even though Tim couldn't see, Jason growled out, "How can you say that?! How can you, the person I've tried to kill over and over, say that I'm not evil or broken?! The fuck is wrong with you?! Why do you still care?!?!" Jason ending yelling at Tim, pushing away his hands that were trying to comfort him.

"Because you are my brother and I love you! You have had to go though unbearable things and-"

Jason interrupted Tim, "Did you hit your head before saying stuff like this? Honestly I never thought in a million years you would any of those things...nor would you be so forgiving and caring..."

Tim sighed, taking a second to calm himself and not blow up, again. "Jason, there isn't nothing wrong with you. How can you think that Dick, Barbara, Alfred, and I wouldn't forgive you! You aren't evil, so stop telling yourself you are."

Taking off his helmet, he looked Tim right in the eye. "...There is something wrong with me Tim. I've already accepted that fact. I may not be broken. I may not be evil but I have done things to make others think I am."

"Who cares!? Your true family doesn't and that is what matters Jason!" Tim rubbed his face with frustration. "And what 'evil things' have you done, huh?"

"Tim, a while ago I was a crime lord. Tell me how that doesn't make me evil..." Jason deadpanned.

Tim thought for a second, remembering before saying, "Who is to decide that? You? Me? Bruce? No. But if you are so caught up in your past and all the bad things you have do and how you are evil, do something about it! I'm not you therapist, I'm your brother. And as your brother, I'm here trying to convince you that it was in the past. Why reminisce in it, when you can just continue on with life and fix your mistakes, making them never possible to happen again. What about that Jason?"

There was a beat of silence before Jason grabbed Tim and pulled him into a hug. God, Jason thought, I really do have the best family.

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