Batman has a family (01)

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Percy Jackson & the Olympians + Young Justice

Having been trained for four years, Dick Grayson is ready to rise to be introduced to League. To be able to enhance his skills even more to protect his mom, his dad, and his brothers to the best of his abilities... Well, if he and his friends survive their trip to Cadmus, of course. femPercy

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Young Justice.

Chapter 1

Ages of Bat-family introduced so far:
Bruce: 38
Percy: 35
Dick: 13
Anthony 'Tony': 4
Damian: 4
Alfred: 74


"So, Dick, are you ready for tomorrow?" Percy asked that night at dinner before he and Bruce would head out for patrol and she and the twins would be heading for bed. Dick looked up and grinned.

"Sure am, Mom. I am so excited!"

Percy smiled at her oldest son. "Good. Then make sure you get enough sleep tonight so, don't stay out tonight too late unless you absolutely have to."

Dick nodded, knowing that his mom's and Alfred's words were law. Not even Bruce could go up against them and win. "Okay, Mom, I will."

They finished dinner and while Dick had gone to the cave, Bruce was helping Percy put the twins to sleep in their room and turned the baby monitor on, Percy taking the other so that if her sons needed her, she would be able to hear it, even if she was asleep herself.

"Goodnight, boys."

"'Night, Mommy and Daddy." The twins chorused back. The parents shut the light off, leaving the night light the only thing shining in the room and shutting the door, Percy to head to bed and Bruce to head out on patrol.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. And be careful, Bruce. And, as always, keep an eye out for Dick."

"I will, Seph. Now, go to sleep... You are joining us at the Hall tomorrow as a surprise for Dick, right?"

"And for Orin, my eldest nephew. I haven't seen him in ages! Not since Arthur had given up his throne to Orin to live peacefully with my father, his wife, and his youngest... As a matter of fact, I haven't gone and seen my father since the twins were a year old. Remind to rectify that in the next few weeks." Percy said as she walked down the hall to their bedroom, Bruce following her to give her a kiss.

He pulled back and grinned at the memory of Dick meeting Poseidon but decided not to mention it to Seph. "I will, Seph. Now, go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay. Goodnight, Bruce." Percy yawned, kissed Bruce again, and entered their bedroom, changed into her pajamas, and went to sleep.

Tomorrow was the day.

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