Wayne Tower Needs a Faster Elevator

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She paused. If she went up here Bruce would know how desperate she was, he probably already knew judging by the small smirk on his lips mirroring his face every time she had left the room to grab a coffee, but she didn't want to draw attention to the fact. If she waited until they got downstairs though, she was starting to worry she wouldn't make it at all. She looked at Bruce's patient face and grit her teeth.

"I'll go downstairs, don't worry"

The workday was long and boring at Wayne Enterprises. Even more long and boring when you weren't actually working. Ophelia had been milling about the office for four hours, reading in the corner and consuming an obscene amount of coffee, waiting for Bruce to finish his day. She didn't often accompany him to work, on account of having a career of her own as an interior designer and the fact that it was just dead boring sitting around doing practically nothing.

Bruce rose from his chair catching Ophelia's attention immediately,

"I was thinking lunch" He said, moving towards her and running his hands through her hair, "How about that new coffee shop down the road?"

Ophelia hummed, the coffee shop had opened a few months ago and looked very posh, the kind of hipster place that would serve coffee in little glass mugs with no handle. She wasn't adverse to a little leaning into the stereotypes that befell a billionaire's wife so she nodded, pecking her husband lightly on the lips before letting him pull her up and close to him, a shameless display of strength and sappy romance as he spun her round and kissed her swiftly. Now that she was standing, the amount of liquid she had drunk finally caught up with her and took her by surprise. She squirmed against Bruce to stop from leaking, her knees feeling weak and her bladder throbbing. He let her go and began walking out of the office, leaving her to sweep up her things and follow him, a touch flustered, out the large glass door.

Bruce led her to the elevator.

"Can I just go use the bathroom first, I'll be quick" She said, tensing and releasing her leg muscles rhythmically to help hold the impending flow.

"There's a bathroom downstairs love, but sure, go for it if you're desperate." Bruce smiled, resting his hand on the small of her back, soothing her fidgeting for a second. She paused. If she went up here Bruce would know how desperate she was, he probably already knew judging by the small smirk on his lips mirroring his face every time she had left the room to grab a coffee, but she didn't want to draw attention to the fact. If she waited until they got downstairs though, she was starting to worry she wouldn't make it at all. She looked at Bruce's patient face and grit her teeth.

"I'll go downstairs, don't worry" She lied, and they stepped into the elevator.

Ophelia steeled herself for a fifteen-floor descent. The pressure of the elevator beginning to fall forced a small drop into her panties. It took all her willpower not to gasp, her eyes widened, and she tightened her grip on Bruce's arm just enough for him to look at her with a worried expression, pressing a soft kiss to her hairline. The pain in her bladder was unbearable, she felt like at any moment the dam would burst, and her pee would flood into her knickers, every small jolt of the lift shooting pain through her abdomen.

She reached one hand subtly down to her skirt and bunched it a little into her pussy, squeezing her legs together and clenching her muscles. Her breath was coming heavier, and she began to grow cold and shivery, a shudder coming over her before her muscles unclenched against her will and she lost another spurt into her panties.

In a panic Ophelia dropped her skirt, not wanting to make a wet patch on the black fabric. She chanced a quick look at the floor number, hoping she could dash for it when they reached the ground, her dignity all but gone and her mind focused entirely on making it to the bathroom no matter how much of a scene she made. Her panic increased tenfold when she saw floor number eleven flash on the screen and she growled under her breath, she had told Bruce numerous times to get a faster elevator for this damned building. Another shudder coursed through her body and a leak forced its way out of her, lasting a few seconds that felt like a lifetime to Ophelia.

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