Pity Party

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Chapter 3: Pity Party

It was the first day of spring, yet it was so very cold outside. Dick Grayson had just gotten out of bed to get ready for the day. For today he had off from his work in Bludhaven.

It was also his birthday.

Now you might think a birthday is a great holiday and it's the best time someone has every year because it only happens once a year. That wasn't the case with Dick.

Dick never really liked birthdays because most people in society had believed that, oh who has the best party. Who gets the most presents is the best. When Dick realized that you get older every single day of the year. Why celebrate it on one day?

Yes, it was the day you were born, but every time he thought about that it just reminded him of his parents and everyone knows what happened to them.

Yet every year on this day when he's either trying to lock himself in his house or sulk the whole day, somehow, family gets him out and either has a surprise party or just has to party.

He never complained, always smiled and took the presents and card saying'thank you' everywhere he went on this day. But this year he wasn't in the mood for that. So many things had happened over the year and when you have their birthday usually think them all over and it just brought pain to him.

He kept going on and off with Barbara.

His relationships with his brothers hadn't gotten any better.

And him and Bruce kept getting in fights every time he would visit.

The only person who seemed to be fine with him with Alfred.

The thing that pained him the most on this day with every year when he would have that party. Everyone he knew especially his own family would always fake a smile. Act like they're actually a working family and try to be happy on his birthday when he knew they weren't.

So today, this year on his 22nd birthday, he decided that he wouldn't have any of that. That he would hide from his family and his friends. Take the pain away from them and from himself. It might be a selfish thing to do but he knew that he had to do it eventually, so why not this year?

He had it all planned out. He wouldn't be in Bludhaven or Gotham. He decided that he would actually fly to another state because it's not like they could come there anyway. If they called or asked where he was, he would say he was on business, but not tell where. He knew if they(his family and friends) found out, that they would eventually find because I mean they're the bat family and other superheroes.

Since it was his birthday, he decided he'd go somewhere he would enjoy while he was hiding away. He decided he would go to Las Vegas.

Now when he first decided to go to Las Vegas, he was skeptical. But then he said you know what whatever. He's twenty-two, he's able to go to a casino and drink so might as well go. Also his family and friends wouldn't expect him to go there, so the more crazy and weird the better.

As his plane landed, he looked out the window. Was this really the right choice? Was this just all a big mistake. It is his family and friends, and he knows that they love him and that they care about him. But today, he wanted to be left alone. Today he didn't want to be put on the spot like that because it was his birthday.

As he went to check his phone, he noticed that there were many calls. Some from Wally. Some from Jason, Tim, and Damian. But the most were from Bruce. That made his heart clench painfully in his chest. It gave him guilt that he knew he probably shouldn't be having on his own birthday. But it was hard to avoid. He did go to another state just to avoid everyone. Even he knew that that was a little cold, but he knew he couldn't go back now. He couldn't call or text them either because then they would just question him or in Bruce's case track him and find out where he is.

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