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Previously: percy lands in a dumpster, is found by nightwing, they find out percy is from a different universe, and percy is gonna go stay with Dick's dad.
This time: percy arrives and has some conflicted opinions on Bruce. Or something like that, see for ya self and do enjoy :)

Percy had some questions. They were running around his head like miniature Pegasi after a feast of doughnuts, and were probably more numerous than his brain cells. Were the gods in this crazy new universe? How about monsters? Would it be weird to ask for blue Mac and cheese?

They were in a mundane car, the city rushing past them. Dick had put the radio on but it only seemed to play songs from the 2000's to mid 2010's, the energetic, if not slightly cursed vibes making him nostalgic for the times when his only worries were school bullies and Smelly Gabe.
"So, you get universe travel cases often?" Percy said over that epic song which he could only remember by the meme for some reason. Mom's spaghetti?

"Nah," Dick said, before continuing despite his previous conclusion, "But a while back there was this girl, and she came from a universe where every hero was in comic books. She was only here a week before vanishing, but i do remember she said she'd write fanfic about us when she returned? Like she wanted to write a crossover with us and her favourite character from a Rick Riordan book."

"Who's Rick Roll?"

"Haven't a clue."

Dick told Percy about his family until they arrived. How they all were hero's who at one point fought beside Batman, their dad. Apart from their butler. Who has a butler these days? Percy didn't think that was a thing anymore, like slavery and DVD stores.

Percy may have spent the whole time in internal panic. He'd been away from home before, his quests the main evidence, but never this far. This was more than a cross country goose chase, he was in a totally foreign universe. He may not see his friends and mom for ages. As he saw the unfamiliar city slowly transition to the countryside, he felt detached. This was scary and new and. And...

He swears to Zeus. Something accurate about who he sleeps with and how his lightning succs. It's stupid risky, he knows, but he cant help but whisper the curse. And there was no lightning.

Dick gives him a weird look. "Careful with that mouth of yours, you might offend someone," he says.

"Nobody on this earth, apparently," Percy replies glumly.


The door opens to an older man dressed pretty fancy to Percy's standards.
"Master Dick, and you must be master Percy. Welcome, may i take your coat?" He does so and continues, informing us, "master Bruce is awaiting your arrival in the living room."
Percy feels out of place amongst all the fancy paintings and such, and follows Dick like a sunsure duckling to where he presumes this 'master Bruce' will be.

When they enter the room, the man looks up from his laptop. He has a mug of coffee steaming on a coaster dangerously close to the electronic. Percy noticed with a smirk that the mug said, '#1 DAD'.

The dude stands up and wow, he did not skip leg day. Or arm day and whatever else. This is not a guy Percy would want to pick a fight with; mortals could easily overpower him as he cant use his sword or more desperate measures. He's known since he was small that using his power over water around mortals would have dire consequences. Percy's eyes roam the room in search of potential exits.

Percy regains his focus just as Bruce reaches him. He holds out a hand, introducing himself like he's famous or something.

"I'm Bruce Wayne, nice to meet you." His grip is very strong? And he doesn't smile like most people do during introductions.

"Percy," he replies, removing his hand as quickly as possible. His grip was too similar to Smelly Gabe's than he could handle right now. The past few hours had left Percy feeling the perpetual bad vibes™, which he hadn't caught since that first week after the battle.

Percy takes a couple steps back and his eyes flick from Dick back to Bruce then the oldest, who he presumed was the famous butler, then back to Bruce. "So you're Dick's dad? You just let him be a superhero, or do you make him fight your battles? Because it's not cool to have to fight, dude..." he trailed off, not sure where his sentence was going.

"No, Percy, I do not force anyone to fight. Everyone made their own choices, and despite my efforts to dissuade it, they do fight crime with me. I will never force you to fight for me, okay Percy?" He said it kindly, like Percy was a frightened kid that had just witnessed Batman in action a bit too vividly. Bruce didn't try to get closer to the kid, he reminded him of when Jason had first arrived.

"So, just to be sure, you don't make your kids do quests for you" at Bruce's nod, Percy continued, "ok." He's feigning confidence, standing strong like the hero of Olympus he must be. Percy didn't know why, but his brain just wouldn't let him trust these people. He kept thinking, what's the catch? When was Bruce going to turn into a monster, when would Percy wake up in a monster den from this wacky hallucination. But he didn't think that even a hallucination would prevent thunder pants from threatening him after that string of curses to lord sparky head.

nothing good ever comes to demigods, so what's the catch?

Dick, who had been watching the exchange silently, stepped forward, although still maintaining a nice distance for Percy. He gave a big smile and said cheerfully, "come, Alf' will show us to your room.


Dick and Alfred left Percy, who sat on the big, soft bed in the big, impersonal room. Alone with his big, never ending thoughts. Dick had said something about going to find some clothes to fit him. Percy tucks his knees up to his chest and fiddles with his camp beads as he thinks about how he is a whole universe away from all that was familiar.

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