I'm Not Him

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"Alfred I'll get the mail for you."

"Are you sure Miss (Y/n)?"

"Yup! I like to help," I smile.

"Well if you insist, but I suggest putting on your coat."

Alfred walks over to the closet and pulls out a heavy coat for me and helps me put it on.

"Don't want you to catch a cold out there."

"Thank you, I'll be right back."

I make my way out of the mansion then to the garage where I had a wagon placed, then I head down the long driveway towards the main gate where the mailbox was. I had ordered some gifts early for Christmas and I want to get to them before anyone notices. Luckily for me there was a big box sitting on the ground of the mailbox.

"Yes!" I cheer.

I reach into the mailbox and pull out the envelopes in there and stuff them in my coat before loading the wagon with the large box back to the mansion. Once inside I hustle to get this box into my room and hide it in my closet. Kicking the door shut I collapse onto the floor exhausted from hauling that heavy box up here.

I open up my jacket and pull out the mail that I had tucked away then remember that I need to take it down to Alfred. However, a strange envelope caught my eye and it was addressed to Damian. Examining the letter it was from a PO Box that I didn't recognize, but the handwriting told me everything.

Feeling excitement I forget about the other pieces of mail and I run out of my room towards Damian's. Through my excitement I didn't pay attention to what I was doing and I bump into someone.

"Ow," I grumble as I land on my back.

"Hey are you alright?" Tim asks.

"Sorry Tim, I didn't see you. Wow you're home early?"

"Class let out early and good thing too because better you run into me than Alfred, he doesn't like when we run around."

Tim helps me to my feet while giving me a once over.

"Will I live?"

"I think you have a good chance. What's the rush?"

"I need to talk to Damian."

"Oh okay, well I'll be studying if you need me. Try not to bump into anything, especially the vases."

"Oh yeah," I has a shiver run down my spine, "don't want to relive the china teapot incident."

"That was a bad day. Be careful."

Tim and I part ways and I finally make it into Damian's room without knocking and I jump on his bed.

"Hey! What are you doing here?! Didn't I tell you to stay out of my room?!"

"Look look!"

I hand him the envelope.

"It's a letter so?"

"Look again!"

Damian rolls his eyes before taking the envelope in his had and examining it. He huffs in an unimpressed fashion and tosses the letter on the nightstand.

"Hey...don't you want to read it?"

"No point in reading something that is meaningless."

"What does that mean?"

"It means it's not worth reading. Don't you have some coloring to do or something instead of bother me?"

"But it's from Mother, maybe she wants to—"

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